Chapter 57; Broken Bus & SEVEN

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The next day I woke up without a headache. Thank god. I remember yesterday clear as crystal.

I checked my surroundings and noticed I was in a hotel room. A bottle of water stood on the night stand and I chucked down the whole thing before laying back down and cuddling into Shawn's side.

I was really thirsty even after drinking the whole bottle but I didn't want to get up just now.

Shawn stirred beside me and there was a small groan coming from him, letting me know that he was awake now. I felt him move a little until he asked, "are you awake?"

I hummed a yes and he moved to his side so we were kinda chest to chest. I slid my hand under his shirt and to his back, tracing some lines as he kissed the top of my head.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, placing his hand on my cheek to make me look up at him.

"Okay, I guess."

There was a lot going on in my head but the only thing I still haven't figured out was why Lauren & Andre wanted to kick me out of their apartment.

"Let's get ready, yea?" Shawn asked and I groaned but removed myself from him, anyways. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower before letting Shawn shower while I was getting ready.

When the both of us were ready we left our room along with our bags and handed them to someone from the staff who put them in the tour bus.

After that we joined everyone at breakfast and without saying or making eye contact with anyone I went straight to the buffet and got myself some breakfast.

I could hear Shawn getting asked what was up with me but he just said to give me some space which I was grateful for.

I texted Joanna while I was waiting and she told me that Aaron talked to her yesterday after I had left. He said something about how he had lost me and stuff but I wanted to leave this all behind me and told her not to mention him again.

Suddenly I got a call and saw that Aaron was calling me.

"What do you want?" I answered the phone.

"Mila, I'm so sorry for what I've said yesterday," he started talking and I stood up, walking away from the table so no one would listen into my conversation.

"I shouldn't have said those things," he added.

"Damn right you shouldn't have," I agreed and I heard him sigh on the other end.

"Listen Aaron, I'm living three flight hours away from you know and I just don't like you like that. I'm sorry, too for reacting like this yesterday but there's no way you and I could be together and you have to understand that."

"I know, you're right and I'm sorry."

"Alright, I have to leave now. Bye Aaron," I said and hang up, not waiting for his responds.

I finished my breakfast and told Shawn about the call before we all drove to the venue. We had a bit time before rehearsals and stuff so Shawn & I went to his dressing room and made music together.

He also taught me more on the piano while we created a beautiful tune.

After that the usual routine began, meaning we had rehearsals, Shawn had his meet & greet and his Q&A while I was having a long talk with Theo. We weren't that close lately because I had much on my plate and he was hanging out with the three other boys of my band. They really get along great and become best friends.

When Shawn came back the arena staff had gifted him a cake since his birthday was soon.

I stuffed the cake in my mouth as we all ate with our hands instead of getting plates and cutting the cake. The only one finding it disgusting were Ellie, Lena & Lauren but no one really cared about that as we continued eating like pigs.

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