Chapter 67; NYC & Problem

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The past days Joanna and I had so much fun. We went to an amusement park, to a concert, watched a lot of movies and just had the time of our lives. On short notice we decided to spend two days in New York City to enjoy the city at winter time so that's where we're going tomorrow.

Anyways, today Andre & Lauren invited themselves and told Harry to tag along. They said something about that they wanted to spend the day together before I leave over Christmas and possibly New Years.

While Joanna made us some breakfast I facetimed Shawn who was about to go to bed though because it was half past midnight in Tokyo.

"Hey," I greeted with a wide grin on my face.

"Hey nugget," he smiled just as wide as we finally found the time to actually facetime instead of just texting.

"I miss you," I frowned, getting more comfortable on the couch as I took in his surroundings. He seemed to be in his hotel room, laying on his bed I presume.

"I miss you, too. Are you going to meet your father when you get home?" he asked, carefully not trying to set me off with the subject that I actually don't want to talk about, ever.

"I will, I already know which prison he's in," I sighed, suddenly feeling anxious just thinking about coming face to face with that man.

"Just text, call or facetime whenever you need me, alright?"

"Okay. I still don't know when I should go. Before or after Christmas?" I asked even though I was almost settled on after Christmas so he had no chances to ruin the time with my mother, Ethan and everyone else who was going to be joining us.

As if reading my thoughts Shawn said the same thing and agreed that I should go after Christmas.

"You're going to be okay, alright? Don't stress about it."

"I won't," I lied.

"I know you, Mila. I'll be here for you whenever you need me. It'll be okay," Shawn assured me, making me nod because I didn't want to argue about something that both of us had no control over.

Joanna called me and told me breakfast is ready so I said goodbye to Shawn who was not complaining because he seemed really tired.

After breakfast we watched some TV before the door bell rang. I went to open and greeted Andre, Lauren & Harry before letting them in. I jumped on Harry's back and he carried me to the living room before shaking me off so I land on the couch.

"How's the baby?" I asked, excitedly.

"She's great. Andre's almost done with her room and we're so excited," Lauren said happily.

"Do you know how you're going to name her?" Joanna asked the parents to be.

"We have a few options but it's so hard to find the perfect name," Lauren answered, making Andre nod in agreement.

"I can't wait to be an unofficial aunt," I grinned.

"Same," Harry nodded.

"Auntie Harriet," I laughed and everyone joined me, except for the Harold himself.

"I mean the male version. Uncle Harry," he defended himself. "Sure," I teased him. He started tickling me as a revenge and I started punching his arm so he would stop.

"Alright kids, enough. We want to ask you guys something," Lauren smiled, taking Andre's hand in hers. "What is it?" I asked, settling down beside Harry and Joanna.

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