Chapter 81; Severe & LBA

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The twelve hour plane ride to my hometown Austin felt like the longest plane ride I've ever been on. We didn't have much information about what was going on which was the worst.

I felt bad for leaving all my fans without an explanation whatsoever but I couldn't just do the show and not be there for my mom & Ethan who are probably scared out of their minds.

The moment we landed I pulled up my hood and Evan & I ran outside where Eli was picking us up. I spotted a few paparazzi taking pictures of me which annoyed me because people will know that I was home now and that something must've happened.

"Do you know what's going on?" Evan asked as we got into Eli's car.

"No, no one knows anything as of right now. Ethan told me that Melissa fainted right after complaining about bad stomach pain and at the hospital they said something's wrong with the babies but that they didn't know what until they do more check ups," Eli explained.

I stayed quiet in the back with my hood on, staring out of the window and praying that my mother and the babies would be alright.

We arrived about twenty minutes later and sprinted into the hospital. I spotted Ethan, Peter, Margarete, Kate & Elias in the waiting room. The second they saw us Ethan got up and I crashed into him, hugging him as tight as I possibly could.

Both of us were crying, scared that something would happen to my mom or the babies. I hugged Elias, Kate, Peter & Margarete too and each of them would tell me that everything will be alright.

The worst thing was that all we could do was wait.

About three hours later a doctor came into the waiting room, catching all of our attention as he called my mothers name.

"Who's the father to be?" the doctor asked and Ethan held up his hand as he walked closer to the doctor. I stood next to him and waited for the doctor to continue talking.

"We have to perform a cesarean cut to get your babies out earlier than expected because we diagnosed one of the triplets with a severe heart condition that needs to be treated immediately. We're doing everything we can, sir."

"Can I be there?" Ethan asked the doctor who nodded and told Ethan to follow him.

Before Ethan left he turned to me and placed both his hands on my shoulders.

"Don't worry okay? It'll be fine," he said and kissed my forehead before letting go of me and following the doctor.

I sat down between Margarete & Kate who both rubbed my arm to comfort me. After good an hour of waiting I told everyone that I needed some fresh air so I went outside and sat down on a bench.

I took out my phone and saw that it had hundreds of messages, notifications and missed calls. I went on Twitter and decided to tweet about the current situation and to apologize for having to cancel the upcoming concerts of the European tour.

I'm sorry for all the fans that I let down by canceling last nights show at the last minute. I'm also sorry to inform you that I won't continue with the European Tour as of right now because of personal reasons. I hope you will understand and I promise to make it up to you. Much love Xx J.C.

I pressed on the tweet button and closed the app before turning my phone off, completely. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now and I most certainly didn't want to explain to everyone what was happening because I don't even know it myself.

When I went back inside everyone was still waiting for someone to tell us what was going on. I didn't talk to anyone so I stayed quiet and waited.

Another hour later Ethan finally came towards us and everyone got up and waited for him to tell us what was going on.

"Melissa is fine. They took our little guy right away to check on him and find out what heart condition he's having and how they can treat him. The other two are already sleeping but healthy," he said and a lot of the weight was lifted off of my shoulders. However, some was left on because of my little baby brother and the unknown state of his health.

"Can I go see my mom?" I asked and Ethan nodded before leading the way with everyone following. I got into the room first with Ethan by my side and I saw my mom laying on the hospital bed with her head turned to two cribs where my siblings were in.

"Mom," I said to catch her attention. She turned to me and opened her arms so I went to give her a hug.

"I'm so happy you're here," she whispered with tears in her eyes. "He'll be okay," I assured her and she nodded.

"Did you guys decide how to name them yet?" I asked kind of excited as I looked over to Ethan who was standing by the cribs. I couldn't get myself to see them yet but I was happy to finally have my three siblings on this earth.

"Livia, Brandon & Aiden Rose."

"They're beautiful. I had these names on my list," I said with tears in my eyes.

"Ready to meet them?" Ethan asked and I nodded so I got up and walked up to the cribs.

"May I introduce you to your new siblings Livia and Brandon," he said, smiling widely at the two little humans laying in their cribs, wrapped in a blanket with cute little hats on.

I started sobbing out of happiness because I couldn't believe they were finally here.

"Do you want to hold them?" Ethan asked and I nodded yet again.

I sat down on a chair next to my mom's bed and he carefully handed me Brandon before giving Livia to my mom.

"Who was born first?" I asked curiously.

"Aiden was first, Livia second and Brandon last," my mom said with a huge smile on her face. She was so happy but the worry in her eyes wouldn't disappear. We were all worried about Aiden.

"Hey Brandon," I said as I smiled down at my tiny brother. His mouth was slightly open but his eyes still closed. He was so cute.

"You're going to be an amazing big sister, honey."

I smiled, knowing that I would do anything for them. I couldn't wait to spoil them with gifts and show them the world one day.

A little later everyone else came inside and I got to hold Livia for a while. We didn't have much information on Aiden but as far as we know they will try their hardest to treat his condition.

I didn't sleep yesterday and today but meeting two of my siblings gave me enough energy to forget that I was even tired. Later today my mom needed to rest so Eli, Evan, Margarete, Peter, Elias & Kate said it was time to go home.

I didn't want to leave but I couldn't stay either. I went home with Kate & Elias and was greeted by Asher, Milo & grandpa Ted who were really excited to see me as I was to see them.

All that was on my mind for the rest of the night was Aiden and how he was doing. I didn't want my little brother to suffer and not knowing how he was doing was killing me. I'm praying with everything I got that he'll be okay.


I stayed up just to write this. I'm tired as hell. Sorry for not updating I don't know why I can't find the time to write.

Tomorrow I'll go to The Chainsmokers concert which I'm soooooo excited about and on Monday and Tuesday I'll be working at a hotel then on Friday I'll be gone all day too and I'm just really busy. I apologize ❤️ love you guys so much and I hope you liked the chapter.

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