Missing practice (edited)

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(Author's notes)
// sound effect or flash//


Author's POV

Later on that evening Makoto decided that he would speak to Haru about why he took so long talking to Miss Amekata, he went around to his friend's house and knocked on, there was no answer. He tried opening the front door, it was locked, like usual. He walked around the back and opened the back door, sighing to himself he thought 'Haru really needs to lock his back door' he checked around the house but couldn't find his friend anywhere, "I guess I will just have to ask him tomorrow" and with that Makoto left his friend's home. He decided to call Gou and tell her that he was unable to speak to Haru.

//ring, ring//

"Hello, Kou speaking, who are you and what do you want?" the red-haired female said.

"Hello Kou, it's Makoto," the male said

"Makoto-senpai, Did you manage to speak to Haruka-senpai about why he didn't turn up earlier?" the female asked.
"About that, I just left his house, he isn't home, I'm a little worried it's getting late and he still isn't back, so We'll just have to ask him tomorrow." the olive brown-haired male said

"I see, I'll tell Nagisa and Rei, maybe we could talk to Amakata-sensei, maybe she'll tell us what they talked about," Gou said

"Yeah, that might be a good idea, after all, Haru is stubborn, I'll see you tomorrow, have a good night," Makoto said and hung up. Shaking his head Makoto walked back home.

10 minutes later

Haruka and miss Amakata walked up the stairs to Haruka's house with Miss Amakata's things. She strictly only allowed Haruka to carry the lightest of things. As they reached the house Haruka took the key out of his pocket and unlocked the front door. Following her student into the house, she placed her bags down. "You have a very nice place Haruka-Kun." The raven-haired boy looked at his teacher and said, "thank you, let me show you to the guest room." The female teacher nodded and followed her student up to the guest room, "sorry it's not the best, I wasn't exactly expecting company" Haruka said, scratching his head, sheepishly. The teacher chuckled slightly and said "it's fine Haruka, you weren't expecting me to volunteer myself to take care of you, so it's fine. And the room is perfect, you don't need to be embarrassed"

"Once I've unpacked will you show me around the house?" The teacher asked.

The next day

That morning Makoto went to get Haru like he always did. When he got there, both the front and back doors were locked, attached to the back door was a note addressed to him.

To Makoto,

I woke up early, so already went to school, thanks for coming to get me, but from now on, I won't need you to do that for me, so you can stop getting up early just to get me up.

Kindest regards,

Haruka Nanase

After reading the note, Makoto sighed, before heading to school. Upon his arrival, he spotted Gou, Rei and Nagisa waiting for him. As he reached the trio Rei said, "morning Makoto-senpai, where's Haruka-Senpai?" Makoto looks at the male and said, "apparently he woke up early and headed here before I went to get him, he left me a note on the door stating so, though there is something I need to talk to him about". "Oh, okay, let's go and see if he is in his classroom," Gou said trying to ease a little bit of the concern in the boys' minds.

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