Part 22: it's time

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i am back baby and more than ready to write. okay here is the story. 


I stood at the grand black doors of the castle and let out a breathy sigh. Miko looked up at me questioningly.

"What's wrong, don't you know that he's waiting for you?" i nodded but still refused to move.

"You're scared that he won't forgive you huh?" again i nodded. The (cat/dog) shook his head in annoyance before pushing open the door with it's back legs then entering as if it was nothing.

"See, he's not going to do anything, actually i bet twenty berries that he's asleep." the little animal gave me a broad smile and i shyly returned it. After a few moments, we reached mihawk's bedroom and i gave a light knock. The door opened and out came yoru.

"Dude what the hell, no one's trying to kill you or steal your home!" exclaimed the two of us as we jumped back.

(mihawk p.o.v)

A small knock awakened me from my slumber and i automatically assumed that it was another imbecile trying to kill me. I irritably rubbed my head and grabbed yoru then quickly stuck it outside my door. Suddenly two voices yelled at me.

"Dude what the hell, no one's trying to kill you or steal your home!" my eyes widened and i withdrew my sword before opening the door all the way.


As Mihawk stared at me in amazement, my confidence came back and along with it, my love............................ for teasing him.

"Aww is salty in love?" a small smile formed on his lips and he hugged me.

"Yes, salty is very much in love."

"Oh? and who is this lucky lady?"

"You." i pushed him away and scowled.

"You know how much i hate it when you act all corny." he sighed and followed after me as i made my way down the hall.

(author p.o.v)

The pair had been checking rooms for about half an hour now but (y/n) still refused to glance at him, never mind speak to him. Soon mihawk began to get tired of the dull silence between them.

"Are you not going to acknowledge my presence after three months of not seeing me." from the tone of his voice, it was quite clear that he was looking for a kiss but the lovely lady refused to entertain his petty desires.

"I will, after i finish checking every room in the castle." the hawk eyed man tilted his head in question as he stared at the woman by his side though she ignored his gaze and opened another room door.

"Might i ask why you're inspecting my home?"

"Because i want to know what private affair was so important, that you would have miko stay with me until i came back home." he finally caught onto what she was implying and pulled the young woman into his warm broad chest.

"Are you suggesting that i've been cheating?" his voice was quiet and barely above a whisper but one could easily  hear the amount of authority backing it up.

(y/n) p.o.v')

As i leaned against mihawk's chest, i couldn't help but let out a low purr, that is, until he asked me if i assumed he was cheating. At that very moment, i wanted to run into one of the many rooms surrounding us but i knew that he would eventually find me and get the truth to come out of my mouth. So i sighed and nodded in defeat.

(mihawk p.o.v)

'She really thought that i would do something like that?' the idea made me slightly falter in my resolve but i quickly recovered and kissed her neck.

"Now what makes you think that?"

"Maybe the fact that i completely crushed you when smoker took me to the Marine Headquarters." again i kissed her although this time it was her shoulder.

"Do you really see me as that weak of a man? I might have to remind you of who you're dealing with." a small chuckled emitted from her throat and my lips twitched upwards in delight at the lovely sound filling the hall.

"Are you really suggesting something like that after i just got back." i nodded against her neck.

"Yes i am, so will you take me up on the offer?"

"I don't think so." (y/n) released herself from my embrace and kissed my cheek then gave me a wink before walking down the hall, leaving me baffled. 

'This woman and her mixed signals.'

(y/n)p.o.v in the kitchen)

As i watched the pot bubble, i thought about what happened earlier. I never really thought of him to be the h*rny type, maybe i should relax on the teasing for a little while.'

~but you know it feels so good to see him fidget under your gaze.' suggested a small voice.

'But i don't want him to get a b*ner or anything when we go to sleep tonight. That would be so awkward.'

~Yes but that could make things even better. Tonight you can sleep in your original room and leave him to lose his pride over a little mastr...~ my moment of ponderation was interrupted when i recognised that i was actually talking to someone.

"Miko..." i started but was interrupted with a paw to my lips.

"shhhh , ma child." he said in an overly exaggerated voice that reminded me a little too much luffy's afro voice. 'What the actual f*ck?'

"I know that yo' mind is tellin you sum messed up stuff but i am here to guide da way." i wanted to facepalm but at the same time, i wanted to see where this was going.

"Listen ma honeh boo boo child, i believe that you....should tease yo lova. And i da great miko, am gonna help ya."

"Where did you get that crazy idea from?" i placed a hand on my heart in false innocence, though black furball saw through the act and held out his paw for me to shake.

"Don' leave a brotha hangin'" after a long while of stareing, i cautiously took his paw.

"Fine but if you even think of telling him, i'll make sure that you'll be the main ingredient of my next dish." the little animal sweatdropped before withdrawing his 'hand' and jumping onto my shoulder.

"Now for ma first plan." a devious grin creeped onto my face while the little (cat/dog) beside me let out an evil chuckle. 'It's about to go down.'

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