Part 36: punishment and the news

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every time i see this i wonder if he's just mad or if he's just pouting

and (f/s) means favorite scent.


i quickly closed the door behind me before the four animals could enter and began to walk towards him.

A devilish smirk began to play on my lips as the man before me began to quiver..........'yeah, i wish'  In all actuality, mihawk was just standing there, staring at me, not even moving a single inch. It gave me the creeps, to say the least, but i swallowed my anxiety and pinned him to the wall.

"Do you know what you did?" he nodded and let out a small gasp as i nipped his neck. "So you know that i'm going to have to punish you right?" again he nodded. I slid his jacket off his shoulders and slyly took off his hat.

"And do you know how i'm going to punish you?" his arms went to wrap around me but i jumped away and placed the garments in my hand on a nearby chair and then pulled thirty knives from various hidden sheaths on my body and fanned them out as if they were a deck of cards, a little trick i learned from sebastian. Dracule's body stiffened though he refused to show anymore signs of fear.

"Don't worry, i won't kill you, but if you flinch and these bad boys touch you, then it'll burn like hell since their poisoned."

"You're such a sadist."

"Be quiet, this is your punishment so suck it up, like a real man."

"Last time i checked, i wasn't whining." he replied stiffly before leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and giving me a defiant glare.

"Whatever." i launched the first knife and it just missed his ear. I could tell he was startled by the sudden action but he still didn't relent. I continued to throw the blades at unbelievably close ranges but none of them so much as grazed him. By the time i was done, his outline was on point and he didn't have so much as a scratch on him. Seeing this, i turned around and threw another two knifes so that one grazed his shoulder and the other scratched his leg. I heard him let out a grunt of pain and laughed when i saw him clutching his leg.

"What the hell?" grunted the noirette.

"It wouldn't have been much of a punishment if you didn't get hurt, now would it? And before you ask, the poison isn't lethal, all it does is trick your nerves into thinking that you're in immense pain when you really aren't." the swordsman's eyes shined with rage but he held his tongue.

"Listen mihawk, you came this close to hitting me while you were intoxicated, you deserved it, now stop acting like a child and give mommy a kissy." i could tell that he didn't like what i said but he still followed my orders and gave me a short kiss.

(mihawk p.o.v)

'I am such a sucker for that woman.' i limped down the hall towards my bedroom and took a shower before putting on a pair of shorts and laying down in bed. Soon after, i heard the sound of a shower and suspected it to be (y/n) then when the door open the scent of (f/s) filled the air and my suspicions were proven to be correct, or that's what i thought. Once i felt the bed sink under her weight, i kissed her goodnight and held her close.

The next morning, i woke up to the feeling of someone poking my cheek. I groaned and nuzzled deeper into the young woman's neck while placing a kiss on her neck. The poking began to increase and i let out a low sigh.

"(y/n), i'm tired, let me sleep for a few minutes longer." the incessant prodding stopped only to be followed with a long hard lick across my chest. I jumped off the bed in surprise and was about to scold the figure who i had believed to be my lover but paused when i saw who i was actually laying with. 'What the actual f*ck?' i put my hand to my head and let out an incredulous laugh.

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