Part 54: the winner is....

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(y/n) p.o.v)

When I had first made the deal with mihawk, I thought it was going to be easy but now, I'm regretting it with every fiber of my being. 'I know he knows exactly what he's doing to me while he reads his book, he's teasing the hell out of me. And not wearing a shirt while sitting on the beach is pretty uncommon and then look at the way his eyes just skim the pages, he's obviously...'

"Hey, (y/n), you're thinking out loud again." said miko as he sat next to me.

"..........shut up." I angrily got up from my towel and dove into the lovely white ocean of the sky sea. When I resurfaced, I slicked back my (h/c) hair and smiled at the sensation of the watery clouds around me. Even though the clouds felt like regular water, there was no salty smell and the top of it tickled my skin.

I dove back under and began swim in the direction that I believed to be forward but stopped when I saw the form of a lovely black and white sea king. It looked a little odd to be a regular sea king, so i guessed that it was only able to live in the oceans of the sky. It turned to face me and my (e/c) eyes met it's blue ones. The beast bared its teeth and launched for me but I quickly dodged and grabbed it by the long monochrome dorsal fin stretching down its back. Once I had a good purchase of the monster, I climbed on and leaned back so that the fish would rear upwards and out of the water.

(mihawk p.o.v)

I lay on the fluffy beach of clouds while reading one of the many books that (y/n) and i had brought with us, when i was promptly interrupted by the sight of a massive black and white serpent-like sea king bursting out of the water with my wife clinging onto the long dorsal fin lining its back. The lovely white water splashed around them and some stuck onto the gorgeous woman's skin causing her to look ten times more attractive than usual. I set down my novel and stood up while crossing my arms over my chest. 'This isn't fair, why does she have to be so....'

"Beautiful, sexy, attractive, charming, arousing, stunning, striking, ravishing, drop dead gorgeous, foxy, tantalizing. Take your pick, i've got many more."

"(cat/dog), don't ruin your chance of seeing tomorrow."

"So you're aware you were thinking out loud, yes?" questioned the animal with a small smirk adorning his lips,

"Leave me be, i have a temptress to seduce."

"Yeah, and i'm so very certain that you'll be able to do that."

"You do remember...." miko stopped me by tapping my leg and pointing his paw forward as an indication to look in front of me. When i did, all hope of winning this game left my mind. There was (y/n) climbing out of the water with her hair slicked back and water droplets dripping off of her body then to top it as she walked, she lightly swished her hips and the bathing suit that she was wearing, barely covered her body, which gave me a lovely view of her figure. 'This is going to be more difficult than i thought.'

(five minutes before the sun sets)

As (y/n) and miko danced to the music from her tone dial, i leaned against a random tree trying not to let my will fail me since i only had five minutes left of this torturous game that i had let my wife persuade me to participate in, but that proved impossible to do when she looked my way and gave me a seductive wink. I quickly walked over to the woman and viciously pulled her in for a rough and hungry kiss. She let out a gasp and i took that time to force my tongue into her mouth and explore her wet cavern. A small moan escaped her mouth when i rubbed her inner thigh but i failed to notice since i was too busy pleasuring her.

It was a few minutes, until i finally pulled away and got down onto my knees so that i could kiss her stomach and waist. Why was it that i could barely last a day without touching this woman? i don't know but that was only more proof that i was desperate for her. She gently kissed the crown of my head then pulled out my grasp and climbed onto my back.

"Well since you're my servant now, let's head back to the ship, i have an outfit for you."

(at the ship)

'No, i am not putting that thing on." (y/n) held up a black male butler outfit that looked hideous on my part.

"But you're my..." she started

"No." it took a little while of persuading but i soon got her to comply with my orders and find another outfit, sadly the one she pick looked a little too much like that of her demon. I tilted my head and gave her a glare.

"You know how much i hate him."

"But you were acting nice with him at our wedding and we are both aware that he is pretty damn good looking."

"As much as i would love to make you happy, the answer is still 'no'."

"...fine by me. Sebastian!" before i could protest, the incubus was behind the (h/c)-ette with his signature smirk playing on his lips.

"Yes amica mea."

"Put this on him for me." his dark red eyes landed on me and the smug look on his face fell into that of a frown.

"I'm sorry darling but i don't dress men."

"Yet you dress little boys who are ninety-six years younger than you, talk about the ultimate pedohile."

"And seeing how you married a rich swordsman, i'd assume you to be gold digger."

"I'm sorry to break it to you but i am, quite literally, ten times richer than him. I don't need his money and if he wanted to, he'd never have to spend another dime on me." 'i know she's wealthy but i wouldn't say she has more....'

"Remember when we brought in a sixth my gold stash to cash it in and totally bankrupt the town, yeah i don't think that he could do that." she finished while sneering at her friend. 'I take that back.'

"That doesn't change the fact that i don't dress men." he grimaced.

"But i'm sure you'd shame the crap out of him."

"Why don't you just use him for target practice?"

"You do remember that i'm right here." i interrupted causing the two to look at me and blink blankly. Though the moment was quickly ruined when she sighed.

"Whatever, sebastian you can leave now and mihawk i'm going to shorten the bet to three days." 'thank goodness.'

"Now follow me so that you can give me back rub."

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