Savior part 6

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It was morning when Klaus finally wakes up and the first thing on his mind was Elena. He grabs his phone and dials her number. A smile spreads across his face as the phone was picked up but it soon falls when he hears the voice of the speaker.

"Klaus," it was Damon. Klaus knew he was a fool to let him live. "It's nice of you to finally call. Did you get a good beauty sleep?" The last part of the sentence was said in a mocking tone.

"Damon," Klaus growled, "where is Elena?"

"Oh... she's at my house. In the vampire dungeon. I want to make a proposition with you." In the background, Klaus can hear the sound of bourbon being poured into a glass.

"You are in no place to make propositions, Damon. Remember, I can tear you apart from limb to limb and trust me, I will not hesitate to do so," Klaus is now pacing back and forth in his room.

"Oh but I think you will. Its you she should be kept from. I'm sure Elena wouldn't be happy to hear about the reason why you came back to mystic falls. " Damons chuckle makes Klaus wants to tear his heart out but at the same time, for the first time in his whole life, he had been scared to lose somebody: Elena.

"What do you want?" Klaus' voice was barely a whisper. Damon, on the other side, wasn't as happy as he thought he was. He loved finding out his enemy's weakness but he wasn't expecting it to be the girl he was in love with. "I know you wouldn't hurt her, Damon."

"I want you to come over here, Klaus, and compel her to forget you. I know you didn't compel her to love you, Klaus, but if you really love her, you'll let her go." Damon ended the call and Klaus threw his phone against the wall in frustration.

-- -- -- --

When Klaus got to the Salvatore's boarding house, he didn't have to knock on the door before it was opened and he was greeted by Stefan and Damon.

"Klaus," Stefan said, "how nice of you to come."

"Where's Elena?" Klaus stormed inside and glared at the brothers.

"Safe," Damon replied. "You remember our deal?"

Klaus nodded and Stefan disappeared and came back a few minutes later with Elena following him. She looks up and an expression of surprise spread across her face and a hint of happiness appeared in her eyes."Klaus," she said.

Damon gives Klaus a pointed look towards Elena. Elena sees this and a confused look spreads across her face as Klaus steps closer to her.

"What are you doing?" Elena asked. Klaus placed two hands on the sides of her face.

"I'm sorry, love," Klaus said as tears fell from his face. "But I have to do this."

"Do what?" Elena looks from Klaus to Stefan and Damon who are both looking down, "what are you talking about? Does Stefan and Damon have something over you?"

"No," Klaus lies, smiling sadly. He waits until Elena is making eye contact with him again and he looks intently into her eyes, compelling her, "I'm leaving, Elena. You'll forget about me, you'll remember Damon and everything you've been compelled to forget." Klaus leans in and kisses Elena on her forehead before using his vampire speed to speed out of the Salvatore boarding house to his own.

"Elena?" Stefan called out carefully.

Elena stands there for a few minutes looking down at the floor as memories came flooding back. Memories like elena and damons first kiss, first sex, the time when they fed off each other, when Damon died and when she had Alaric compel her memories of Damon away. However, as those memories came back, Elena couldn't shake the feeling of loss, of a big black hole of emptiness.

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