Surprise! Welcome to your new job!

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        Seventeen year old Annabelle Vanilla was sitting at a local cafe, Starbucks, with her best friend since kindergarten Harmony Young. They were supposed to be studying for their upcoming history final, but instead found themselves looking at cute guys. "Come on Harm, be serious we need to study!" "Oh but I am studying Anna, best subject ever, hot, single, potentially boyfriend material guys!" The two of them laughed.

           "Can you believe we're finally seniors this year Harm, so many new options to explore!" Anna smiled, bookmarking her page to take a sip of her grande Strawberry and cream frappe. "Yeah thank god we're almost out of this hell hole!" Harmony says with an eye roll, sipping on her own Mocha caramel with whipped cream frappé, eyeing a cute guy with short black hair and brown eyes, who was as about as tall as she was, maybe even paler. He wore a red T-shirt and tan khaki shorts.
          "Oh come on girl it hasn't been that bad, some of it has even been fun." Again Harmony rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say Anna." This made Anna smile. "Thank you, now come on girl we really should study, not just guys." The two of them opened their books and began studying over the material. Half an hour goes by and Anna looked up to see a really cute guy. He had blonde hair that went to his shoulders, blue eyes, looked about 5'5 and was Caucasian. He wore a sleeveless blue muscle shirt and dark blue jeans. He smiled slightly when he noticed her looking at him. Anna felt her cheeks heat up, how embarrassing!

          'Get it together Annabelle! Focus on history, not on cute guys!' She mentally scolded herself. "What are you looking at Anna?" Harmony asked questioningly.  "N-nothing, n-no one Harm!" Anna blushed more. Mhmm, I know that stutter, who do you see?" Anna sighs. "That cute blonde haired guy standing at the counter. She pointed. Harmony looked at her best friend confused. "Uh An, sweetie , their isn't a blonde haired guy anywhere in this cafe girl." Now it was Anna's turn to be confused, she clearly saw the blonde haired guy at the counter.

          "Harmony you're blind if you don't see him, he is standing right over_ he was gone, there..." Harmony grabbed Anna's mostly gone frappé. "I think you've had enough caffeine girl, come on let's blow this cafe, the studying, and plan your birthday bash! I can't believe you're finally going to be eighteen at midnight!" Anna tried to forget about the blonde. "Me either, now I'll be an adult like you!" They grabbed their books and left, heading towards Anna's house.  "Mother I'm home, Harmony is with me!" Anna shouted, opening the door. There was no answer. "Hmm must be away, weird." Then she noticed the note on the table.

          'Annabelle, went out to Aunt Steph's house, be back later for big one eight count down, love mom.'
"Guess it's just you and I, sweet!" Harmony says, grabbing a water bottle out of the refrigerator. The two of them headed towards Anna's room. "I'm just going to head to the bathroom Harm, be there in a minute!" "Okay, hurry back, we have party planning to do An!" Anna rolled her eyes and headed towards the bathroom to  wash up. "Eighteen, tonight you go from teenage girl, to adult women, yes!" She said out loud to herself, as she headed towards the sink.

          Anna looked into the mirror to see how she looked, when suddenly she saw the blonde guy... In the mirror! "What the heck!" Anna looks away and splashed cold water onto her face, hoping she was seeing things, it was just her mind playing tricks on her from studying to much right? It had to be. Anna carefully looked at the mirror again, hoping that what she saw was her own reflection. Yeah the guy was gone, thank goodness. She took a deep breath in and out, then headed towards her room.

           "Finally girl, what took you so long, and why do you look so pale, well paler Then usual anyway?" Harmony asked. 'Stay calm, Harmony always knows when your nervous or scared, play it cool Anna!' "I was just washing up is all Harm, now about my party?" The two of them planned for two hours when the front door opened. 'Front door opened.' "Annabelle I'm home." Her mother Celeste Vanilla called from downstairs. She then proceeded to walk upstairs with cake, balloons, and sparkling apple cider. "We're in here mother, Harmony and I."

          When Celeste came to her daughters door she smiled. "Hello Harmony nice of you to be here." "Hello Ms. V, of course, I wouldn't miss my best friend turning the big one eight." "Hey it's time for the count down! Anna says excitedly. They all began counting down. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!" The clock struck midnight, Anna was finally eighteen! Her mother came up to her and gave her a big hug. "My little girl isn't such a little girl anymore!" Anna blushed. "I hope that cake is strawberry!" "Only the best for you Annabelle." They all ate cake while Anna told her mother that she wanted a Monte Carlo themed party, where everyone wore masks and fancy clothes. "That's do-able hon, now it's late you two should really go to bed." Celeste says. "Okay." They said at the same time and laughed.

          "Goodnight An, Happy birthday." Harmony smiled and laid down on the air mattress. "Goodnight Harm, thanks, tomorrow will be so fun!" Anna says, shutting off her light and laying in her bed. She was either to excited to sleep because it was her birthday, or from the grande frappé she drank, either way she couldn't sleep. Harmony on the other hand was sound asleep, snoring loudly. Anna decided to go downstairs to the kitchen for a glass of water.

          When she got there she heard her mother on the phone, quietly arguing with someone. "No I haven't gotten the chance to tell her, because Steph." Her mother sighed. "She has a friend over, it's not a good time, and it's her birthday I can't spring this on her." Again her mother sighed. "Yeah Steph I am aware that she is turning eighteen, I know that too sis, if anything...happens I will tell her, goodbye." Anna walked into the kitchen heading for the sink. "Uh hey mother, everything okay?" Celeste looked up and smiled. "Yeah sweetie, everything is fine, why are you awake?" There was a trace of concern in her voice, Anna noted this. "Oh I uh, couldn't sleep, thought a glass of water would help."

          "Oh is there any reason hon, why you can't sleep I mean?" Anna looked at her carefully. "No....mother is something wrong, why were you arguing with Aunt Steph?" Anna noticed her mothers face get tense. "It was nothing hon...really." "Oh okay, if you say_" Anna's eyes suddenly got huge, she was looking straight at the mysterious blonde guy, but how? "It can't be you, you can't be the one!" Was this man...talking to her? Annabelle, hon what" Anna heard her mother curse as she looked towards her daughters direction. "Seriously, this is our newest ghost seeker!?"  "G-ghost seeker!? Mother what is going on!? Who is this man and why has he been following me!?" Anna asked, obviously scared. The blonde smirked.

           "Oh this is just perfect, our little helper doesn't even believe I am a ghost!" "Leave her alone ghost! She's new to this! Give her time!" Anna heard her mother say, she was so confused. "G-ghost, they are not real, you..don't exist!" Again he smirked. "Hey little one?" He says to Anna. "W-what?" She cautiously asked. "Boo!" He laughed hard this time, unable to hold it in. Celeste crossed her arms over her chest, clearly annoyed. "Who are you, what do you want, why haven't you crossed over!" The ghost laughed again. "I came to see for myself that the great and powerful Celeste, our savior, was indeed retiring." "W-woah, wait a minute, what is going on here!?" Anna finally asked. "Annabelle, sweetie, I can explain everything." Celeste says. "Oh she doesn't even know what she is, priceless! He says, still laughing.

          "You don't have to be so mean you know." Anna hard herself say. He was still laughing. "I will ask you one last time, who are you?! What do you want!? And why haven't you crossed over!?" Celeste asked, even more annoyed. "I am Ronald Lowe." The ghost says with a smirk. "And why haven't you crossed over? Celeste asked.  He smiles at this question. "Because my dear sweet Celeste, I wanted to be your daughters first ever ghost, it seems like you two have a lot to catch up on, I'll just go, if you need me young beauty just call my name. He laughed and disappeared. "What just happened?" Anna thought out loud. "Annabelle, Anna sit down hon, we need to talk." Celeste directed her daughter to the kitchen table.

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