The impossible mission!

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          Anna says, walking out the door and into her car, Ron pops into the passenger seat. "Okay let's get this over with, what do I have to do?"
'Prove that he's an ass, he's cheating on Destiny, I need her to see that, she can't get married to this jerk!' "And just how am I supposed to do that!?" 'His house is just a few blocks away, I can bet my afterlife that she's with him, just drive!' He said in a harsh tone.  "Oh yeah I'm just supposed to knock on a complete strangers door to see if he has another women inside!" 'Ugh you're not thinking my little pastry, you have your phone, go to the window, record him!' "Oh...I knew that." Anna says, going into her phone and to the window. She looks inside and noticed a man, mid thirties, white blonde hair, built strong, about 5 feet, Caucasian. 'That's him, the ass that's cheating on Destiny!' "Keep your voice down!" Ron rolled his ghostly eyes. 'Honestly haven't you learned anything, he can't hear or see me, remember!' "Then stop yelling into my ear! I need to concentrate!"

          She looked into the window and saw another woman, mid twenties, long brown hair, tanned skin, and blue eyes walk into the room. "I'm guessing that's not your cousin?" She saw his eyes turn if possible red with anger. 'No, it's not, get out your phone and push record, now!' "What? Eww no way am I recording what they are about to do!" 'Ugh grow up miss Vanilla, I need you to record this!... please.' "Oh fine!" She says, pushing record on her phone and recording a very intimate situation. 'Okay, you have enough evidence, go to the church on Maple Avenue now! Hurry, she has to see this!' Anna heads for her car that was parked a block away and gets inside.

          "Here's the thing Mr. Lowe, how am I supposed to tell this Destiny women that her future husband is a lying cheater, without telling her how I know?" 'Part of the job honey, you figure it out, just do it, and hurry!' "Ugh, you're so pushy!" Anna pulled up to the church. "Here goes nothing." She gets out of the car and walked up to the church. "Um hello, I'm looking for a Destiny, the um, bride, Is she available?" Anna asked a elderly man. "Huh, oh up front, she looks beautiful doesn't she? It's her second marriage, hope it goes well." He points. "Uh, yeah beautiful, wait did you say second? Who was her first?" Anna asked. "Oh some fellow, Lowe someone." He says. Anna's eyes get red with anger. She thanks him and walks away. "Ron!" He shows up looking guilty.

          "You have two seconds to start talking, why did you lie!?" 'If I told you Destiny was my former mistress, would you have helped me?' Anna rolled her eyes. "It's my job, I wouldn't have had a choice." 'Hey look everyone she's finally admitted to it!' He says sarcastically. "You have no room to be sarcastic, especially since....'WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS! Show her the video, now, then I'll explain everything!' "Fine! The sooner you cross over the better!" Anna angrily walked up to Destiny. "I need to talk to you!" "Excuse me? Who are you and why are you shouting at me? It's my wedding day!" Destiny matched Anna's tone. "Your future husband is cheating on you!" Anna shouted in front of everyone. Their was a collective gasp. "Excuse you! How dare you come in here, accusing my Aaron of cheating! Just who are you!?" She asked angrily.

          'Oh way to make a scene newbie!' Ron snapped. "Let's talk somewhere else more private, please?" Anna asked. "No way in hell am I following you, what are you, some kind of ex lover?" Anna almost gagged. "God no., I'm only eighteen, today!" "Oh so you're a child butting into adult business, that is none of your business!" Destiny shouted. 'Geeze same temper as Ron, no wonder they clicked!' Anna thought. "Ugh look I can't explain how I found out about you, or how I knew your little Aaron was cheating, but I have proof!" Anna says, hoping she'd believe her. Destiny gave her a quizzical look, then reluctantly agreed to talk elsewhere.

          "So I'm waiting for this "proof" you claim to have." Destiny says impatiently. Anna takes out her phone and shows her the recording, she sees this poor women's face drop as she looks at the video. "I...I can't believe it, that low life creep!" She says. "I'm so sor...." "Save it, I don't know who you are child, but I suppose I owe you a thank you, now please go enjoy life, you have your whole life to live, I've gotta go handle this mess, goodbye, and happy birthday." Anna didn't know what to say so she left the church and went to her car. 'That was...crazy.' Anna thought to herself. She hadn't heard from Ron, so she assumed he'd finally crossed over, the job was done. Just as she sighed in relief, her phone rang, it was Harmony.


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