Party prep and unwanted distractions!

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          "Come on An wake up, your not going to sleep in on your birthday are you?" Harmony asked, shaking Anna awake. Anna groaned. "What time is it?" She looked at the clock and it said 8:00 Am. Anna groaned again and yawned, sitting up and smiling. "Party decorating time, I can't believe I am eighteen!" "Let's go downstairs An, something smells delicious!" Harmony suggested. They headed downstairs to find Celeste placing pancakes on plates, along with sausage, bacon, hash browns, toast and orange juice. "Good morning ladies, sleep well?" She asked both of them, but it was mainly a question towards Annabelle's direction. "Oh yes I slept excellent, thank you Ms. Vanilla." Harmony says smiling.

          "Oh yeah I slept so well, almost like as soon as I started to fall asleep, I was being awakened again." Anna rolled her eyes, clear sarcasm in her tone of voice, that only her mom noticed. "That's great girls." Celeste says with a smile. She handed a plate of food to each girl, who graciously accepted. "Anyway Annabelle, sweetheart, happy birthday!" Her mom says holding up a small box. Anna smiled and accepted the box, inside was a golden chain with a cross attached. "Thanks mom, I love it!" She says, kissing her mom on the cheek. "Put it on now hon, it's said to ward off....evil spirits." Celeste says carefully. Anna sighed and put it on. "Oh wow girl that is beautiful!" Harmony says, admiring the necklace.

          Anna went to go take a sip of her orange juice, when she noticed something in it, or rather who was in it! Well his face anyway. She jumped with fright. "Wow Anna, are you okay?" Harmony asked worried. "Uh yeah, this drink is just a little...sour." Anna says, staring at the ghost in her cup. "What that can't be, I just bought this from the st_, yeah it's sour, very sour, sorry girls." Celeste says, now realizing her daughter was seeing that ghost. "It's fine, I'm going to go wash up, be back soon." Anna tells Harmony, looking directly at her mom. "Oh I'll come with you!" Harmony says, taking her final bite of pancake. Anna was about to say something, but her mom beat her to it. "Um Harmony, how about you and I start decorating the basement, you know, for the party?" "Oh okay, sure Ms. Vanilla, let's go!" Anna mouthed the words 'thank you' to her mom and headed upstairs towards the bathroom. "Okay come out now!" "Ohh temper today, can't I at least say happy birthday?" Anna could just feel him smirking. "You just did, now come on, show yourself!" He appeared in front of the sink, turning on the water. "Boo!" He laughed, pulling a stray brown hair from Anna's eyes. "You don't have to keep saying that, I thought I wasn't going to see you until after my birthday!" He laughed his annoying ghost laugh. "I never said that young lady." "Young, give me a break, your at least my age aren't you!?" Anna asked. "Ohh you want answers now, I thought you didn't want them until tomorrow?"

          "Ugh Ron why are you here now!? When you said just last night you'd come tomorrow, or was it this morning? I didn't get much sleep because of you, thanks for that." "Now my little pastry, I never said that, I said I'd give you answers tomorrow, not that you wouldn't see me, can't get rid of me that easily." "Of corse not." Anna mumbled under her breath. "Now that that's cleared up, for your birthday, I will answer that my age is twenty-one." He smiled. "Oh wow, an older man, thank you for answering that, now are you going to be hanging around me all day?" Anna asked annoyed. "Awe don't go falling in love with me little one." He smirked. "I wasn't...I don't...ugh!" Anna says blushing. He laughed even harder. "We're friends child!" He says firmly. 'I...I've never had a ghost friend before.' Anna thought to herself. As if reading her thoughts, he says. "I've never had a human friend before either, in my living days." "Really, I couldn't imagine why, ugh okay we're friends, I suppose, but please don't go randomly showing up at my party, I don't need the friends that I managed to keep thinking I'm a freak." "Deal young miss Vanilla, again, happy birthday." And without another word he was gone. Anna took a deep breath, turned off the water, and headed towards the basement.

          "Hey guys need any help?" Anna asked, smiling towards her moms direction. "We're good on decorations, but how about you two go up and get dressed, then shopping for party dresses?" Celeste suggested. "That's a great idea, come on Harmony!" Anna says, grabbing her hand. Within a few minutes, the two of them were inside the car, driving towards the mall. "Should I ask what just happened back their?" "No it was nothing, promise girl. Anna smiled and continued to drive. "If you say so." Harmony says half convinced.

          "Anyway I texted everyone I know about your Monté Carlo b-day bash, tonight is going to rock! Harmony said excitedly, a little to excited. "Awesome thanks girl, now let's go find our perfect party dresses!" Anna says, shutting off her car. The two of them went into JC Penny's first. "They had an add in the paper showing the best dresses I have ever seen, trust me you'll love what you see." Harmony says. Anna couldn't tell if she was serious or being sarcastic. "Okay then lead the way girl!" They headed for the dresses, marked half off, score! "Oh wow they are beautiful, I don't know where to start! Anna says, admiring the gowns.

          "Oh I do!" Harmony says, picking up a black dress with navy blue lace on the bottom and neck line. "Twenty five bucks, sweet!" She says grabbing it and heading for the fitting room. "Right behind you girl, 'and a certain super natural had better not be following us!'" Anna whisper warned to Ron. She couldn't decide on just one, so she grabbed four. One was a gorgeous light blue v-neck, knee length dress. Another was a short sea green dress, with white and black glittering lace on the bottom. The next one was a long pink dress with neon orange on the collar and bottom. The final dress was a knee length light grey dress with sparkly light pink lace on the collar and bottom.

          Anna admired herself in the mirror, she liked this dress more then the others. "Perfect!" She says, changing back into her normal clothes. "You ready yet chick, you're taking forever!" Harmony says outside her fitting room. "Yeah I'm coming out now!" She looked at the price tag that read $22.75. "Absolutely perfect. She says smiling and walked out. "I've already gotten dozens of replies to your invite, this party is going to be huge!" Harmony says as they head to the check outs. When they arrived their was another girl in front of them, three actually. Anna's eyes widened and Harmony swore under her breath

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