Ron needs my help!

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"What do you want Mr. Lowe?" She finally asked in a nicer tone of voice. "Your help, it is important, please." He pleaded with her. Anna was surprised, she had no idea he could be decent and polite. "What was that? I didn't quite hear you?" She taunted. "You heard me the first time, I shall not repeat myself young ghost assistant. He said frustrated. Anna rolled her eyes. "Oh so you can taunt and tease me, yet I can't taunt you?" "Exactly, I am older, wiser." He says. "Older yes, wiser I doubt it, ugh whatever, what do you need my help with, that clearly can't wait until after my party?" Anna asked half annoyed. He sighed. "It's my cousin, she is getting married to a complete ass and I need your stop her, convince her she is making a huge mistake!" "And just how am I supposed to do that!? Also how do you know he's an ass, were you spying on them?" Anna asked. Ron gave her a guilty smile.

          "Oh wow, you were, that's crazy!" Anna shouted. Suddenly their was a knock at the door. "Hey Anna, you okay, you've been in their for a while?" Harmony says from behind the door. Just like that Ron was gone. 'He'll be back.' Anna thought bitterly to herself. "Anna I'm coming inside." Harmony says, about to open the door. "Okay, um come in. "Wow  girl that looks pretty bad." Harmony says, pointing to her messy shirt. "Oh ha, yeah it does." Anna says, grabbing some paper towels and attempted to clean it off. "No don't do that!" Harmony warned, grabbing, almost snatching it away from Anna's hand. "Why not? I need to clean my shirt girl." "Annabelle you're going to ruin it! Stop okay, I brought you another one, here. Harmony says, handing her the new shirt. Anna smiled and grabbed the new, and not to mention cute shirt! It was pink and purple plaid shirt. She put it on, perfect fit! "Oh my gosh Harm, you're the best! Thank you!" Anna said hugging her best friend. Then suddenly she realized that she completely humiliated herself in front of her crush Jeremy! As if reading her mind, Harmony spoke. "Don't worry girl, Jeremy didn't laugh at you, if anything he was worried about you." That made Anna smile and blush more, knowing he worried about her.

          She had Ron in the back of her mind, she knew she had to help him, however this was more important. "What did he say, tell me everything girl!" Harmony smiled. "Come on girl, let's go back to your place and get ready, I'll tell you everything, three hours until party time!" The two of them headed to the car and drove towards Anna's home. "Do you really think he'll show up, do you think he'll be able to get everyone to come to my party Harm?" Anna asked hopeful. Of corse I do. Harmony said matter of factly. "What aren't you telling me?" Anna questioned. "Oh nothing." Harmony said in her 'it's so something'  voice. "Harmony Young tell me what you know this instant!" Anna demanded. Harmony laughed. "Okay, okay, he likes you Anna, like really likes you girl, after you went to the bathroom he and I talked a bit." She smiles.

          "I definitely need more to go on Harm, oh wow I can't believe he actually said that!" Anna said excitedly. 'Um hello, what about me!?' Ron showed up in her review mirror and she almost swerved. "Ugh I'll deal with that later!" She screams, then noticed Harmony's confused reaction. "I just told you your crush has a crush on you, and you scream 'I'll deal with it later!' What's that about?" 'You can't tell her, don't you dare!' Ron warned. "Oh my god, be quiet!" Anna said equally as quiet, so Harm wouldn't hear. "Anna, what's going on with you lately?" Harmony asked. "Nothing, I'm sorry, stress I guess, from the party, from weather or not people will show up...'From ghosts popping in and out as they please.'" She added that last part quietly, Ron was gone.

          "And weather or not Jeremy will show up? Is that what you're worked up about girl? Annabelle don't worry, he's coming, along with the whole school, trust me honey, Terry won't know what hit her! God I wish I could see her face when no one shows up!" Harmony smiled. Anna took a deep breath and smiled. "You're right, I wish I could too." They both laughed as they headed into the driveway and parked. "Tonight is going to be amazing!" Anna says, opening her door, and walking up towards the house with her friend. "Oh you're home, good, Annabelle may I speak with you for a minute?" Her mom says. "Um sure, be right back. Anna says and followed her mom into the kitchen. As she entered she noticed Ron their as well. "Ugh what are you doing here! I said I'd handle it later!" "Annabelle! He needs your help now, so he can cross over, you know this! Now help him with his cousin!" Her mother said in a 'I'm serious' tone. "You seriously came to her!?" Anna shouted to Ron. 'Hey she may not be able to see me anymore, but she can hear me, I was desperate Anna, my cousins wedding is happening soon, she can't marry that man!'

          "What you two don't understand is it's my birthday!" Anna snapped. "Annabelle watch your tone!" Celeste snaps. "Mother, I don't have time for all this, my party is in two hours, Harmony is in the other room, how am I going to have time for this!" Annabelle frowned. Celeste hugged her daughter, she understood what her child was going through. "Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry this is happening, but you have to deal with it, it's your responsibility to help out these ghosts, I know it's your birthday, I know your party is tonight, but you need to make time for him, help him, and your party tonight will be worry free love." "Okay fine, I'll think of something, come on Ron!" Anna said annoyed.

          "Um, Harmony, I forgot to pick up a few things for tonight, it could take a while." Anna says, hoping her friend bought that. "Okay I'll come with to help." Harmony says, getting up from the couch. 'Crap that didn't work!' "Um..n-no girl, that's okay, I got this, you uh...spy on Terry, see what she's up too." That worked, she noticed Harmony smile right away. "Now that I can do!" She says. "Thought so, I'll be back."

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