Drama before the party!

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          "Anna, girl, we have trouble!" 'This is just what I need!' She thought sarcastically to herself. "What's going on Harm?" "Oh it's Terry the Terrorist! She has a video of you, an incriminating video girl, showed it to the whole school, it's not good An!" Harmony says in a panicked voice. "What is the video?" Anna hesitated to ask. "Remember earlier, at the mall, when you were in the bathroom?" "Yeah...why?"  "In the video....You were uh...talking to yourself, in the mirror, saying you can talk to...ghosts." Harmony says, sounding weird. 'OH MY GOD THIS ISN'T HAPPENING!' Anna thought to herself. "But I was alone...how could Terry have recorded it?" Anna says, then puts two and two together, the women! "Oh my god, their was a women in the bathroom with me, oh she must've been one of Terry's followers! God and I fell for her innocence! She must've recorded me when she left!" Anna was saying all this out loud, forgetting Harmony was on the other line.

          "Uh...Anna?" 'Oh crap!' Anna thought to herself. "Y...yeah..?" She asked worriedly. "I wouldn't worry about this, she probably edited it somehow, I mean theirs no way you can actually talk to ghosts...right?" "Um...yeah...right...meet back at my house, I've gotta see this video for myself!" "Okay see you then." Anna couldn't believe this was happening, this morning she was excited about her birthday, now this was going on. Ugh her life was so wrong! Anna pulled up into her driveway and turned off her car, she took a deep breath and walked inside. When she entered the house Harmony and her mother were huddled up over mothers iPad, ready to show her the video. "Oh uh..hi guys." Anna said sheepishly. "Annabelle this video is ridiculous, how on earth could someone be such a... Such a...."Terrorist." Harmony and Anna say together. "Exactly, what would make sweet Terry do this?" Celeste asked. Suddenly the video started acting weird , going in and out. "Wow what's going on?" Harmony asked, hitting the iPad. "I...I'm not sure, but look, the video is gone!" Anna says in a 'yes it's gone' tone. "Well...that's a relief." Celeste says smiling, now you can get ready for your party." "If anyone shows up, that video could've ruined everything!" Anna says in a worried voice. "Maybe not, look at this, somehow, another video has gone up, of Terry!" Harmony says in shock. "Wait...really? What of?" Anna asked. "Come look!"  Anna ran over to her friend. The video was of Terry the terrorist bragging about how popular and smart she was amongst everyone else, that they all should be begging her to be her best friend, and all the guys should date her. "Give me s break!" Anna says. "I know right, look at the comments!" 'Terry is such a loser in my eyes, I'm not going to her party.' 'Wow this chick is sad, she may live in that sweet mansion but I'm out, Annabelle's party is way more cool!' Anna smiled, this was great news! From the corner of her eye she saw Ron in the kitchen. "I'll be back, going to get a drink." She disappeared into the kitchen.

          "I thought you crossed over after I stopped your lady lover from getting married!?" She asked confused. "I did. I mean I was going to, until I saw what was happening, incase your wondering little ghost hunter, I got rid of that video and placed it with that other one." He said smiling. "Why would you do that for me?" Anna asked confused. "Consider it s thank you, for helping me miss Vanilla." He winked. For some odd reason that made her blush. "Oh...thank you." 'No problem, and besides I don't like anyone taunting you besides me.' He gave her his signature smirk. She rolled her eyes. "You know what, in spite of everything, I'm glad I met you, you're not as annoying as I remember, thank you for making my first ghost hunting adventure a good one, and my birthday, you saved it." He smiled and started to fade away, just as guests started to arrive.

'Sounds like you've got company, better go get dressed my little pastry.' He disappeared for good. "Goodbye my pain in the side ghost." Anna went to go get her party dress, everything went smoothly from their. Oh and guess what? She even got a happy birthday kiss from Jeremy! Best birthday ever! She thought to herself.
*The End*

Authors note: Hey everyone, I hope you all enjoyed my first story! I tried my best and think that you'll love reading this, just as much as I loved writing it!

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