The drama starts!

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"Oh my gosh, hello Annabelle , how nice meeting you here. Hello to you too dear Harmony." It was a annoying girl, not just any girl either, talking to the two of them was Terry Johnson, Anna and Harmony nick named her 'Terry the terrorist.' She was the most popular girl in school and was very rich. She had long curly blonde hair, green eyes, toned skin(probably fake spray on tan), thin curved eye brows, super skinny, and had big thick pink lips, to match her dress and shoes. The three of them were best friends once upon a time, kindergarten through junior high school. The three of them did everything together, even dressed alike! Then when they hit high school they suddenly became distant. Terry became an instant snob towards the two of them, Icing the two of them out.

"What do you want Terry?" Harmony asked annoyed. Terry ignored her and continued with Anna. "That is such a beautiful dress you're buying, is it for something special?" She asked innocently, knowing perfectly well it was for Anna's birthday. 'Crap I have to invite her now, great!' Anna thought to herself. She took a deep breath and slowly spoke. "It's for my birthday party tonight, monte Carlo themed, come if you want, your friends too." Terry smirked. "Oh my gosh you're having a party tonight too!?" She smiled with an evil glint in her eyes. "What do you mean by that Terry!? Harmony asked angrily. "I mean, I am very sorry girls, however I am having a party tonight too, so I can't attend your little basement party. She laughed, along with her friends. Anna was taken back by this news, she couldn't speak clearly

"Terry is such a bitch!" Harmony said angrily, don't worry girl, people will come to your party." ", their is no way the kids from school will show up now, damn her!" Anna said with tears in her eyes. "Are you two paying for those dresses or not?" The clerk asked annoyed. "Should we buy these dresses now that my party is a total bust? Anna asked defeated. Anna handed the clerk a fifty dollar bill and grabbed the dresses from her. "Yeah your party is still happening, ugh Terry the terrorist ruined your surprise though!" Anna was both feeling like crap and confused. "What surprise H? "I invited Jeremy Lincoln to your party, for you. She said smiling." Anna's eyes went bug eyed. Jeremy had been her crush since the fifth grade, ever since he asked her to borrow a pencil in math. He was a few feet taller then her, had short black spiked hair, pale skin, and the dreamiest deep blue eyes. Anna smiled, then immediately frowned at her.

"But you heard Terry, he's going to hers, and plus Jeremy and I barely talk, how do you know he's still coming Harm?" Harmony smiled as they headed towards the coffee cart. "Oh birthday girl, my best friend, how you doubt me, trust me hon, okay?" Anna shook her head and agreed. When they arrived, Anna went to go order a grande strawberry cream frappé, when to her surprise it was already made. "I ordered ahead." Harmony said, noticing her friends confusion. "Oh...thank you." Anna went to go pay for it when she heard a familiar voice. "It's on the house Ans." 'Gasp!' Oh my god it was none other then Jeremy Lincoln himself, standing behind the cart. "Oh uh...t-thank you." She blushed while stuttering, how lame, not to mention embarrassing!

"So Jeremy, you're coming to Anna's party tonight, right? Harmony asked, grabbing her vanilla coconut frappé. "Of corse, wouldn't miss it, I'll be the one looking like tuxedo mask." He winked. 'Holy moly he knows Sailor moon, he's a fan like me!' Anna thought to herself. "B-but what about Terry's party?" Anna asked, almost afraid of his answer. He smiled his perfectly adorable pearly white smile. "Her parties are always boring, yeah the mansion is nice, but hey I want to come back to yours, happy birthday by the way." He said again smiling. "Awesome, and thank you, but how are we going to convince everyone to come to my party?" Anna asked, again feeling defeated. Jeremy laughed, Anna frowned. "Why are you laughing?" She asked feeling equally hurt and angry.

"Ans, my dearest Annabelle, you forget, I am the captain of our schools football and basketball teams, remember?" Anna heart melted each time he called her 'Ans'. "Of course I remember, but what good does that do?" Harmony rolled her eyes at her clueless friend. "Anna he can invite all the guys, which I totally approve by the way!" Anna finally added two and two together, no guys at Terry's party, no girls to show up, this was brilliant! "'d do that for me?" Anna asked him smiling. "Of corse Ans, anything for you." He said winking. Anna felt herself blush. "Oooh he likes you Ans." Anna groaned as she both heard, and saw Ron, the ghost she was supposed to be helping in her frappé. "What are you doing here!?" She groaned under her breath. "I need to talk to you, ditch the cutie and miss goth." "I can't, not now, can't this wait!?" "No, now ditch them young ghost hunter, NOW!" He disappeared.

Anna casually spilled her drink onto her shirt. "Ah! Oh oops, I-a am such a klutz." "Are you okay Anna?" Jeremy asked, sounding concerned. "Yeah, just got to go clean up in the ladies room, be back soon!" Anna says, running towards the bathroom. "About time princess. Ron popped inside. "What do you want from me, I thought we had an agreement that you wouldn't bother me until after my birthday!" Anna complained. "Quiet child, I know our agreement, I'm now breaking it!" The ghost says in a 'you have no choice' kind of tone. "Are you nuts, no way I am helping you, this is....someone walked into the ladies room and he popped into the nearby mirror. "Over here little one, come here!" Anna rolled her eyes and walked over towards the mirror. "This is my day, my birthday! And hello I am not a child, I am eighteen!" The woman that walked into the bathroom walked out of her stall and next to Anna.

"Oh I couldn't help myself hearing you talk to um..yourself, anyway uh...happy birthday dearie." She said with a weak smile and dried her hands. "Oh uh thank you miss. Anna says awkwardly. The women went to hand Anna a paper towel, at first she was confused, then she realized she still had her drink on her shirt. She could hear Ron laughing. "Shut up it is so not funny!" Anna shouts at the mirror. "Oh I was just trying to help, and I'm not laughing young lady." The woman says hurt. "Oh my god, no ma'am I wasn't talking to you, thank you for all your help." Anna watched the women walk out without another word. "Ugh you see what just happened! That sweet women thought I was a crazy person, all because I was talking to you, a ghost!" "Someone has a temper." He says, laughing more. "I am so glad you find this funny because guess what buddy, I DON'T ! Anna shouted. Ron came out of the mirror and back in front of her.

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