Chapter 3: A family story

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Her friends killed the giant demon.....or did they....someone else came through the smoke. It was shaped like a man. He walked in like a boss. He is HOT guy who is a gentleman. He has short blond hair, has light blue eyes and has a built body. He has a pistal and a pocket knife. His voice was not so deep or so high, but his voice was just right. Jessica's jaw droped and fell in love. Her heart started beating fast like a train, but acted like she was cool. "Hey.....I saw that fight there.... nice moves."

The hot guy said with a calm look on his face. The hot guy looked at Jessica for a sec with a raised eyebrow and a small smirk on his face. Jessica walked closer, "uhhh...W-what is your name?" Jessica asked with a shy look. "Joe..." Joe said with a calm smile on his face. "Oh- that's a nice name...." Jessica tried to hide the blush and smiled.

Marie went up to Jessica with a smirk on her face. She whispers. "Who's gotta crush now?..." Jessica blushed but yelled."I do not have a crush!!" Everyone heard that including Joe. Jessica looked around for a second, everyone was staring at her. Finely, Jessica turned around, shut her eyes closed, and folded her arms. Everyone else looked away and went back to talking.

A few hours later, Marie started hearing things. A darker scary tone of her voice saying, "Marie..." in a very creepy voice. Marie looked around real quick, but there was nothing except the spooky dark woods. "Did you guys hear something?" Marie said with a terifferd and serious look on her face. Everyone looked back at her. "No? We didn't....right guys?" Everyone nodded after what Jessica said. "Y-you must be hearing things...." Rebecca said in a quiet and shy voice. "Uh- ok then..." Marie Shirley thought that someone was saying something, but nobody did.

"marie....Marie....MARIE!" louder and louder the voice got each time it said her name. Marie draws out her sword. Her eyes are glowing a blood red. Not her natural eye color. Marie looked at her sword. The sword was on fire. Marie droped the sword and jumped in a surprised way. The sword imeditly stopped flaming. Marie did not pick it up, but looked at it closely. It was no longer on fire. Everyone else went to her to see if Marie was ok. "Are you okay?!" Dan said in worried look on his face. Dan ran up and hugged her. Marie blushed and hugged back tightly. "Yeah....thanks.." Marie said in a soft tone. Both Jessica and Mike gigled a little.

Later, They found a small house with an old wise man rocking in his chair. He had a long white beard and long white hair. Marie ran up to him. "Excuse me sir, have ever heard of Legends of the stone heart?" The old man looked at her. He stood up. "Yes...and you, my young one must be Marie Redfire..." Marie was amazed. "H-how do you know my name?" The old man laughed. "Well, your all over the news my child! Please, all of you come take a seat in my house!"

*Note: Don't ever trust an old man that you don't know who is inviting you into his house!*

Everyone sat in seats at the table by the fireplace. "So, what's your name sir?" Jessica said with a curious look on her face. The old man looked at Jessica and he laughed. " must be Jessica the brave! Well, my young one....I am Eugene. Marie's grandfather..."

Marie was amazed she did not expect him to be her grandfather. Marie wided her eyes. "Your my grandfather?! Do you know whare my parents are?!" Eugene had a patient smile but slowly went away. "Sadly, yes...." Jessica wanted to know badly she demanded to hear what happened. "Then tell us what happened!" Jessica said as she banged the table and everyone looked at her. "Oh....ummm...please....and thank you...heh...sorry.." Eugene laughed. Somehow it's like he thinks that everything is funny. "Oh no! It's fine! Just, let me explain this story..."

Suddenly, Eugene got serious. his eyes glowed red and the room got really dark and quite. "16 years ago when you were just a baby, your mother and father went on a mission to find a baby named Parmine Peeden. They were to bring him home and to keep him safe from his father Domin Peedon. Parmine's father was pure evil he killed of or destroyed everything in his path...even killing his own wife...Domin hated his son because he was like his mother. He used a dark spell to change everything about Parmine even most of his mind. Before Domin could finish the process however, Parmine had a necklace that his mother gave him to protect him before she died. The necklace killed Domin before Parmine turned bad. Or did it....Domin survived barely...he ran away from the his son abandoning Parmine behind. Finely, your mother and father found him laying on the cold hard floor crying....your mother picked him up and your father petted him on the head gently....'He is able to be cured...we must take him home and use a spell to change him back before it is to late...' your father said with a serious look on his face. Your mother agreed. They tried riding their horses as fast at they could your mother carried the baby. Domin saw that. So he zaped your mother off the horse. She protected Parmine as much as she can. Luckly, the baby did not get hurt. Your mother did though. Your father jumped off the horse and ran to your mother. But before he could make it, Domin used a spell to make both your mother, and the baby disappear to a place whare no one could find them. Then Domin locked your father in a dungeon for so many years. Tony decided to take care of you. Until you went on this adventure that is..."

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