chapter 5: A new friend

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Marie finely wakes up from that medicine...she she opened her eyes, Sat up, and looked around. "Uhhh.....what happened?... why does my head hurt? Whare am I?" Everyone walked to Marie. "Shhh...No, no....Marie, it's OK... Your in my lab...Parmine was hunting you... Don't panic! You need to relax...He's gone...for now..."

Marie was amazed. She did not know what to say. Except, "ok.... can we go back upstairs? What's the time?" Eugene laughed. "Hahahaha! Well my young grandchild, we can go back upstairs now, but you need your rest... it's only 4:55 and you have a big day tomorrow... you all must sleep..." Rebbeca walked up slightly. "What about y-you Euge- I mean proffser Eugene!" Eugene had a patient smile and said softly. "You don't have to call me proffser Eugene, You can just call me Eugene.... infact, call me what ever you like! Even Grandpa Eugene!" Then everyone went upstairs.

Finely, it was 9 o'clock in the morning, Marie had a fresh and a good start of the day. She walked to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. "Hey, how you feeling?" Marie turned around Dan was standing by the door way. "Heh, I'm good. How bout you?" Marie blushed and walked a little bit closer. Dan also walked closer. "I've honestly never felt better.." Marie and Dan looked eye to eye. They got really close to each other. Standing nose to nose. Marie put her arms around Dan. "You know, I expected someone like you was willing to go with me on this adventure.."

Jessica runs into the room. "Guys! There is a dog hurt outside, come quick!" Everyone runs out of the house and ran to the poor dog.

Marie walks up to the dog. She bend over held his tiny paw. She held her other hand over the dog's wound. She healed the dog with some kind of purple magic. Everyone was amazed. They had never seen such before. Not even Grandpa Eugene.

The dog got up. "Thank you so much for healing me!" As the dog licks Marie in the face. Marie was amazed she never thought she would meet a talking dog. "Hi! My name is Aldo. I am a talking dog. What is your name?" Aldo the dog said with a smile. Marie and everyone else sat there with there eyes open. "M-my name is... Marie Redfire..." Marie said with a silent look on her face. Aldo the dog gasped." Your the Marie Redfire?! The one who will stop Parmine from taking over the with demons?! It's an honor to finally see you in person!" Marie was nervous, she never thought that she would have a fan of her own. Jessica smirked. "Well looks like someone someone has a big fan..hehehe!"

Marie takes a deep breath and relax. "I'm just curious, how can you talk?" Aldo laughs. "Hahaha! You don't know? When you healed me, you gifted me a skill that almost no other dog could have. I got the gift to be able to speak any language!" Marie stood up and was surprised. "I didn't know I have a spell to make any animal talk!" Aldo rolled over laughing. "Hahaha! Silly, you can't make any animal talk! You can only gift animals that are chosen!" Marie thought about that for a second. "Wait, doesn't that mean you're chosen then?" Aldo did not think about that. "Wait a second.... your right! I am chosen! That means- I am the dog in the story who gets to fight along side Marie!"

Rebecca pets Aldo. "Awe...Aldo is so cute! Can we keep him? Please?" Marie had a calm smile on her face. "Heh....As long as Aldo does not belong to anyone." Rebbeca smiles. "Sweet! Aldo, do you have an owner?" Aldo Chase's his tale. "Nope! I was a stray.." Marie bends down and smiles. "Aldo the dog, would you like to go on a adventure side by side to find my parents?" Aldo jumps up and licks Marie in the face. "Yes! I would love to! It would be an honor to be by your side!"

At noon everyone got ready to leave Grandpa Eugene's house. They had to continue there jearny. They still we're all still packing Marie went with Jessica and Rebecca to there room. Dan and Mike went to their room. Grandpa Eugene went into the girls' room. "Goodbye Marie...I hope you do well finding your parents..." Marie turned to Grandpa Eugene,
smiled and hugged him." Thank you Grandpa Eugene, for all of your help! I appreciate all of your help!" Grandpa Eugene hugged Marie back. "Heh.. your welcome, Marie... There is one more thing I am going to give you Marie..." Grandpa Eugene opened a box with a necklace in it. "This was your mother's necklace before she disappeared. It contains powerful magic in it..It will protect you from Parmine in the final battle. Use it wisely Marie..oh, and here is a cell phone if there is an emergency." Marie gasped she hugged Grandpa Eugene little tightly and smiles. "Thank you so much Grandpa Eugene! I will take good care of it!" Grandpa Eugene smiles. "Your welcome..."

Everyone goes down stairs to the kitchen table. Marie pulls out a map. "Ok Grandpa, whare should we go?" Rebecca suggests first. "M-aybe we can walk through the dessert?" Jessica didn't like that idea. "No Rebecca the dessert is a long walk and very hot. We'll never make it to our next destination!" Mike agreed with Jessica. "Jessica is right, the dessert is really hot....I don't if we even have enough supplies for that. So I say, we walk through the mountains!" Dan didn't like that idea. "I don't know if walking through the mountains is safe. The mountains are steep and sometimes really cold depending on how high we're going. The mountains are even further to walk through!" Everyone starts arguing.
"Enough!" Marie yelled across the table. "This isn't time to be playing any games! We must figure out whare to go!" Grandpa Eugene had an idea "Everyone, I have an idea, how about you guys travel through boat! It's the fastest way to get there even though it's still a long ride." Marie smiles. "Good idea Grandpa, we'll take the boat!"

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