sequel ( part 1)

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I cheered as Carl made a goal for his soccer team. I laugh when Serena does a little scream.
Dom couldn't come today, he had work. Which has really been bugging me because he's always working now. Working so much to where I'm suspicious.
Carl is 8 now, and growing so fast.
Serena is now 6, and keeps getting taller everyday.
And, Avan our youngest who just turned four not long ago. Life is good,  other than Dom who I know is keeping secrets from me.
I cheer again as some kid on Carl's team scores.
He looks at me, and waves, I smile and wave back at him smiling. Then give a thumbs up.
After the game, I grab the kids hands as we walk down the bleachers.
Carl's team had won, he ran up to me and hugged me.
"U did so good buddy," I say kissing his sweaty forehead.
"Thanks mom, can we go get pizza for my prize tonight?," he asks smiling.
"Of course," I say and walk towards my BMW.
Carl gets in the front seat, of course in his booster seat.
And put Serena and avan in the back.
"Everyone buckled?," I ask, and check Serena. She'd been going through this thing wit not using her seatbelt.
"Serena," I warned when I realized it wasn't on.
"Mommy I don't want to," Shea's pouting.
"Well u have to," I say.
"No," she says and crosses her arms.
I look back at her so fast.
"What did u say to me?," I ask.
"I said no," god I wish she didn't get my attitude.
"Okay, no toys for the rest of the week, and time out when we get on, now Serena put on ur damn seatbelt," I say raising my voice a little. I hated yelling at them.
Her eyes tear up but she puts it on.
"Thank u," I say.
I decided wit three kids by myself it's hard to go to the pizza place.
Ill just order when I get home.
I look in the rearview mirror and see Serena has tears running down her face.
I felt bad, but she needs to learn never to say no to me, or an adult.
"Mom I thought we were getting pizza?," Carl asks wit a pout.
"We r hon, I'm ordering it online when we get home,"
"Oh," he says.
We pull up at home and get out the car. When I open the door, all the kids ran to do what they do.
It's 7 o'clock on a Saturday and Dom was still in the garage.
I walked over to the garage Dom had opened up a few years ago.
I went into the office and see a tired Dom doing paper work.
"Hey babe," I say sitting on the desk.
"Hey," he says not looking up.
"Can u come home, I've been sleeping alone the past few days," I say. And it's true he comes home late now
"Letty I'm busy right now," he says.
"Will u at least be in by 9?," I ask.
"I'll try," he says.
"Okay,; I response I go home and order the pizza. The kids eat and stuff, I give them their baths.
I take one real quick, and look at the time.
"8:57pm" the clock said.
I dressed up in sexy lingerie, put my hair down. And laid on the bed.
I wait over an hour and Dom never came in.
I sigh, I take off the lingerie and put on some shorts and tank top.
I walk downstairs, and to the garage.
The office light is on and I walk in, I laugh as I see Dom sitting in the chair, head back snoring.
I go over to him.
"Baby, babe, get up," I whisper and rub his shoulder.
He groans and sits up.
"Shit, what time is it?," he asks.
"Almost 10," I say.
"Damn it, let I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep," he says.
"Let's put all these papers away and go to bed," I say and grab his hand.
Not even bothering wit the papers. We lock up and head Home for bed.

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