sequel (part 3)

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When we got home, I just let the Kids watch some TV downstairs. I walk upstairs and sit on my bed, I let the tears go.

'How long has this been going on?

' we're those their kids?'

' did he even really love me?'

Those were the only questions that kept running through my mind.
I keep sitting on my bed for the next 30 mins.
Then I hear the front door open and close.
"Daddy!," I hear from the kids downstairs.
I didn't want to move, didn't want to face reality.

"Okay, where's mama?," I hear Dom asks.
"Upstairs," I hear avan innocent little voice.


I didn't want to do this but I had to, I had to for Elizabeth.
I sit in my car, hearing cipher yap, yap, and yap over the phone.
" u have five mins, we're watching, u will go inside, grab ur stuff, tell them ur leaving, and you'll meet me at the location, r we clear?,"
"Yes," I say.
"Good, Dom don't screw this up, Elizabeth is at risk here, time is ticking now," she says and hangs up.
I turn off my engine and head inside.
"Daddy!," all three of my children  say, and jump on me. When I walk through the door.
I chuckle.
I love my family so much.
""Okay, where's mama?," I ask them.
"Upstairs," my youngest says.
"Okay, continue watching TV, I'm gonna go talk to mama," I say.
"Daddy, can u stay for dinner,'' my princess asks.
Had I really been gone so much already? To where my daughter asks if I'll be home.
"I don't know yet babygirl, go watch TV," I say and walk up the stairs.
I turn and open our bedroom door.
I see let sitting on her side of the bed, with her head down.
I had to do this.
I promised I would never let Elizabeth get hurt.
I won't.
I storm into the room and reach in my closet.


I look up as Dom storms into the room and reaches into the closet. He pulls down a suitcase, and goes over to his dresser.
And starts packing his clothes.
"What r u doing?," I ask.
"I'm leaving," he responded.
I stand up
"Ur what?," I ask.
"Leaving," he says.
"Was that ur new girlfriend?," I ask.
"Call her whatever u want to Letty," he says.
I feel fresh tears start down my face.
"Why?!?!," I scream hitting his shoulder.
"I've done nothing wrong, I thought we were doing good Dom, r u just gonna abandon all of us like this," I ask, screaming. As I hit him all over his chest.
He grabs my hands roughly.
"Letty stop, okay,?," he says Calmly.
"No I won't stop, and I won't let u leave until u tell me what I did wrong," I yell.
"I'm leaving, that's that," he says.
He zips up his suitcase and walks out the room.
I follow him down the stairs
"U r not leaving until u tell me why u r, until u tell me what I did wrong," I say blocking the door.
"Letty move," he raises his voice a little, I knew he was getting aggravated.
"No," I say.
"Mom what's going on," Carl asks, but I don't answer.
"Letty move," he says slowly.
"No," I refuse.
I see him getting angry on the inside.
"Dom please tell me what's going on," I beg.
He grabs me roughly, and kinda shoves me to where I fall.
"R u okay mama?," avan asks running over.
Dom stands there for a moment as I look up.
And he walks out the door.
"I'm okay baby,' I say standing up.
I'm not okay, at least emotionally.

Dom Pov:

I didn't mean to grab her like that, I really didn't.
I swear I didn't.
But I was running out of time, I knew I was. It was the first thing that ran through my mind.

The look on her face made me want to shoot myself.
And I did this in front of the kids.
I get in my car and drive to the location, and for the first time in a long time, I cried.

"Nice Dom, u got out in 4 mins and 39 seconds," cipher says over the speakers in my car.

I just roll my eyes.


Next day

"He just up and left, I don't understand why," I tell Mia over the phone.
"R u sure he isn't just messing with u or something Letty?," she asks.
"No Mia, u should have saw the look in his eyes, he just left," I say.
"Oh my god," Mia says.
"What?," I ask.
"Turn on the news, NOW!," she says.
I reach for the remote and turn on the TV.
I go to the news channel.

'Dominic toretto was spotted as a getaway driver for the nuclear bomb' the woman says.

What the fuck?
I ask myself.
"Letty, had he been acting strange?," Mia asks.
"I mean yeah, he uh he hasn't been home much anymore," I say.
"Let, Dom wouldn't do this without a reason. U know family is always first. Something is going on. I know my brother, he has a reason for this," Mia says.

"I know I know, I gotta go mi," i say hanging up the phone.

I stay sitting on the couch staring into space.
It is 5:48 AM. I just couldn't sleep, I've been awake all night.
I hear little feet on the stairs and look over.
Avan came slowly walking over to me, while rubbing his eyes sleepy.
He climbs in my lap, and lays his head on my shoulder.
I rub his back, and realize he's really warm.
"Baby u okay?  Do u feel good?," I ask.
"My tummy hurts mama," he says. I continue to rub his back.
"What r u doing up this early?," I ask.
" I woke up, and wanted u and dada, where is he?,"
"He's busy right now babe," I say.
"He's always busy mama," he says frustrated.
"I know baby, I know,"
I keep rubbing his back.
A moment later his breathing slows, and he does light snores.
I stand up carefully and head upstairs.
I go to his room and try to lay him down.
But he refused.
"No mama," he whined, waking up.
"Sleep wif u," he says not letting me go.
"okay ,"I say.
I go to my room and lay him down. I lay down next to him, and rub his back.


"Would u like to see her?," cipher asks. Before I can answer, she knows my response.

I follow her into the room where Elizabeth is kept.
She stays outside the room as I walk in, then shuts the door.
And their she is, my almost 1 year old cousin playing on the floor, with the toys she had here.
I pick her up and she smiles and kicks her feet excitedly.
"D-d -d do," she says taking her tiny hands and putting them on my cheeks. She squeezes them together,and giggles. At the faces I make.
"I missed u Lizzy," I say holding her tight and kissing her little forehead.
"Ma- mama," she says looking around.
I sigh thinking about one of my 1st cousins, who is now gone.
"Mama?," she asks.
"Mama's with angles now, babygurl," I say sitting on the ground with her. She continues to play with her blocks.
"Alright that's been enough time," cipher says opening the door.
"Just a few more mins," I say.
"No, let's go now I have more things I need u to do," she snaps.
"U know what happens when u don't listen to me, don't make me do what I did to Kayla to Elizabeth," she adds.
I stand up and walk out the room, after telling Lizzy goodbye.

The lady who watches her walks in after me.

"So this is out next target....,"


" He's in new York,"
Brian says.
Brian works with the police, and he's been filling me in on things, that are supposed to be top secret.
"From what we've seen, their plan is to hit at 2 today, her plan is to pretty much take over anything electronic," he adds.
"Why aren't u there?," I ask.
"Because its not my mission, I wasn't chosen for this. I only find information,"
"Oh," I whisper
"Letty ur right, Dom wouldn't do this without reason, we'll figure it out. Luke is out in new York on this, he'll give me information. And my friend Tej and his girlfriend Ramsey, I've been having them try to hack into ciphers system,'' Brian says.
"Have they found anything?," I ask.
"Not yet, but Ramsey was really close once, and then got locked out,"
We keep the news on and wait for it to come all over TV, cause it will.
Especially if cipher is doing what Brian told me she is...
The house phone starts to ring and J answer it.
"Hello," I ask.
"Letty," I knew that voice anywhere.
"Dom," I say smiling. I loved his voice, it soothed me, no matter how deep it is.
"Listen let, I don't have much time. If u got anyone close in new York tell them to stay off the streets. I love u so much baby. Ride or die. I'll see u when it's over," he says and hangs up.
I start thinking of family I have in new York.
"Brian, we gotta make some calls,"


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