Chapter 3

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Lahee58 tried to ignore the worried scorn emitting from unseen speakers.

"You shouldn't have forgotten your medicine! You know how dangerous that can be!" Grew01 shouted, not helping Lahee58's headache. She groaned as he began citing procedures. Once you get him started... he'll never stop. She prepared breakfast deliberately slow. She was still looking forward to reconstructing this 'planet 7801' but her nightmare shook her bones. She was sitting on the edge of her chair, green eyes examining the room. Her stomach kept churning and her back burned with the stares of unseen eyes. Her skin was prickly. Her breathing patterns were out of whack. Sweat poured from her pores.

"Hey Grew01, could you turn down core temp a bit?" She asked. The temperature cooled before Grew01 started up again. She knew he was concerned for her health but this was getting ridiculous. She struggled with the urge to scream up at the ceiling. She washed her dishes and made her way down to the bridge, keeping one hand on the wall at all times. She felt the smoothness of the light green walls and was reminded of her second coming-to-life party. She smiled. Joyous laughter filled her ears and she could smell her oil cake mingled with the scent of sea salt.

She crashed face first into the bridge door. She groaned and rubbed her bottom eye. She opened the door and collapsed onto her chair. She sped up the pace of the poss, wanting to get to the planet.

The planet soared into her vision. It was a sickly grey and misty clouds prevented Lahee58 from seeing the ground. Next to the red hotter planet 7800 it looked like it was missing something.

The burning at her back started up again. Her green eyes scanned the bridge. She zeroed back in on the planet. She studied the clouds. They looked like they could do with a decontamination. She started up the air filter and entered the planet's atmosphere. She drove the poss all around the planet's atmosphere clearing up the air in no time. Below her lay a depressing sight.

What were probably once trees stood barran. The ground was a unhealthy grey. It brought tears to her eyes as she picked out rubble of what were houses.

She forced back the hot and salty tears and settled the poss onto the ground. She hadn't noticed that Grew01 had gone silent. Nor did she notice the unseen eyes follow her out. She crouched and felt the grass under her hands. It wasn't natural. These trees. This rock. This scraggly bush. She took a deep breath before scouting the terrain.

The sickly plants were everywhere. Not a single bit of health blue grass poked through.

After wandering for awhile she came upon a cliffside. She walked along the cliffside counting the layers of soil she could see. Abruptly she stopped. In the corner of her eyesight was something dark. She turned her head for a better look. There in the side of a cliff was a... hole? Confused, she jogged toward it. As she got closer she groaned and imagined the work she would have to do to fill it in.

As she closed in on it she noticed that the hole went deeper than originally thought. She ventured in.

  Σονγ Οφ Φαλκόν  

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