Chapter 8

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Hope shivered. Her uniform was now in shreds. She struggled to close her eyes and sleep. Weeks after weeks she had been here. Day after day she could still see her mother as her neck was snapped. She tightened her muscles as the Drefre came to get her. She weakly raised her head. The Defre beckoned to her. Hope got up slowly.

"Quickly!" The Defre hissed. Hope sighed and sped up her pace.
"Isn't Lahee over there?" The Defre pushed her into a nook as two Echos passed.

'I'm in charge of reviewing data from your poss. Your discovers of emotions and of humans is inspiring! I'm getting you back to 'Earth" Hope smiled. They ran quickly to her poss. As they were nearing the poss a gunshot rang out. Hope turned in time to see the Defre collapse to the ground unmoving. Tears cascaded down Hope's cheeks as she continued onto her poss. She burst inside.

"Lahee58!" Grew01 shouted happily.

"It's Hope now. I refuse to be a copy of someone less that a woman." She said powering up the poss. The engine roared to life. She sped out out of the docking bay. She zipped past star systems. The stars became blurred across her hull. She could see other posses gaining on her. She could now see Earth. She could see the difference she had made. The once grey clouds were now fluffy white. The grass was surprisingly green the plants now luscious and full of life.

She touched down next to her crushed village. The other posses chasing her zoomed out of the clouds. Hope ran for the top of the rubble. People poured out of the posses and toward her. She climbed the rubble easily. The people stopped at the foot of the mountain. They pointed guslers up at her. As she stood on top of the broken buildings she saw Earth for what it once was. She smiled and turned her face down toward the people below her. She stood straighter.

"Climb down." They shouted.

"Who are you?" She asked. Several answers rang out. "No. Not who you were named after. Who are you?" Names of jobs were called out. "No. Not the job you were assigned. Who are you?" She smirked hearing silence.

"Who cares who we are! We have our orders." Echo43 prepared to fire. A mechanical arm shot out of her poss. She smirked wider hearing Grew01's voice echo.

"Back off! She's my pilot!" He said retracting taking the gun with him.

"You all are copies of someone else. Do you have a personality? Do you have traits only reserved for you? Human did once! They could laugh and play! They could speak for themselves and had unique names! I am not Lahee's copy! You don't have to be. You don't have to live up to the expectations! You can be you! I am Hope! I hope for my freedom! What do you hope for?" She shouted. People stared at one another.

"Hope. I hope for the ability to do what i want to do!" Defre99 yelled.

"Hope. I hope for the ability to make mistakes!"

"Hope! I hope for my love!"

More responses were shouted out.

"Echo43. What do you hope for?" Thousands of eyes turned toward Echo43. He seemed nervous. He looked around at all the faces. THey were all shining with, what Hope called, hope. He turned back to Hope standing above him. She was covered in dirt and blood. Her green and brown eyes were only focused on Echo43. He gulped.

"Hope," He started, "I hope to be my own person." Hope smiled wider.

"We all hope for something. This bring our hopes from unpossible to achievable!" She shouted. Agreements were shouted back. "It's time for a revolution!" Shouts of revolution filled the valley. Behind Hope in the side of a lonely cliff was a small cave. Filled with inspiration. In the back of this cave was a small black handprint. Where this all began. 

  Σονγ Οφ Φαλκόν  

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