Chapter 1- Leaving for Hogwarts and Meeting the Marauders.

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Charlo POV:

“SIRIUS!!! Regulus threatened me!!!” I hollered. I loved getting Regulus into trouble it’s what I do best. Seconds after I screamed my older twin burst up the stairs three at a time and yelled.”Regulus, you threaten my twin once more then I’ll”

“All I said was she better not come crying to me when Potter hits on her otherwise I’ll give her to Voldermort. It was just a joke.”

Crack went Regulus’ nose as Sirius punched him and told him never to talk like that.

My hair turned to yellow (happiness) as I smirked and ducked into the floo before Mum could come and yelled “KING CROSS STATION!”

(Colour code for Matamorpgus: next chapter)

I felt a whoosh then I fell onto platform 9 of King Cross. A minute later Sirius appererd behind me with both our trunks. We ran through the border of platform 9and10 and came out the other end looking out at a Scarlett steam train.

I might be 13 but I am still young enough to jump up and down with excitement clapping my hands. Of course I starting running which was a bad idea as I am very clumsy. My clumsiness shone as I ran straight into a guy much taller than myself sending both of us of our feet.

“I’m so sorry. Here let me help you with that.” I mumbled feeling my cheeks flare up and my hair turn pink. (Embarrassed).

“Hey.  You look familiar.” I said looking at the scars.

“Oi! Remus looks like you’ve met my sister. Remus meet Charlo.  Charlo meet the smart Marauder.” Sirius chuckled.

Of course it was the Marauder with the scars, and behind him stood a chubby short sandy-haired boy and a messy-haired guy with glasses. The Marauders.

No-one can stop me- Especially not my twin!!-A Marauder love storyWhere stories live. Discover now