Chapter 2-I hate you

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Warning guys this chapters quite long

Remus POV:

Looking around the platform I saw Sirius watching a blonde girl about our age clap her hands eagerly. Bet she’s new.

From the looks of it Sirius already had this beauty wrapped around his finger. Peter tapped my shoulder and said something about finding us a compartment but I barely caught it because I was knocked of my feet. I peered up to see the blonde pretty new girl standing in front of me blushing and apologizing. But there was something strange about this girl for her hair had gone from blonde to pink.

A Metamaphorgus.


“You look familiar.” She said looking stunned her hair turning white.

“Oi! Remus looks like you’ve met my sister. Remus meet Charlo.  Charlo meet the smart Marauder.” Sirius chuckled from behind the girl.

I realised my mistake and blushed a bit as I watched Charlo’s eyes scan over the me, James and Peter.

“Padfoot. I never knew you had a sister.” The guy with glasses exclaimed. “I’m James, James Potter, pleasure to meet you.

Charlo shook James hand.

“She looks like you Paddy.” Peter shook her hand.

“God I hope not.”Charlo giggled.

Me and James howled while Sirius gave her a devil glare.

“My, my I can already tell we’re going to be brilliant friends beautiful.” I said still chuckling quietly. “Remus Lupin at your service georgous. I said kissing her hand gently.

Her cheeks flared as her hair went bright pink. James told me later that you could practically see the sparks as we looked into each others eyes.

“Yo, Moony hands off my sister.”

I let go of her hand and followed Peter to a empty compartment the others trailing behind us.

Charlos POV:

My cheeks still cooling and my hair still wasn’t brown or blonde after meeting Remus Lupin.

As James, me and Sirius followed I checked the front of my hair. Black. Of course Sirius noticed to.

“Nervous?” he asked

“N-No.” I stammered

Of course no-one believed me

“Don’t worry Charlo you’ll be fine. We’ll look after you.” These were not my brother’s words they were Remus’s.

I grinned my hair going purple then quickly back to blonde. Of course Sirius saw the flash of purple and knew what it meant.

“Oooo is someone developing a crush for Moony.”

Why does her hair keep changing colours?”James asked Sirius as my hair went back to pink at Sirius’s comment. While Sirius told James about my hair I swear I caught a glimpse of pinkness on Remus’s cheeks.

Now feeling tired I lay down on the seats and rested my head in Remus’s lap while the boys talked about there summers.

(A: N-Charlo’s outfit is in the next chapter)

On Remus’s lap I fell asleep until I heard James shouting.

Sirius POV:

Charlo looks so comfortable Sirius thought.

Obviously James was thinking the same as me.

“Moony’s in love. Moony’s in love.” He shouted laughing.

“Sh” I hissed when Charlo stirred.

“Sorry but its true Moony loves Padfoots sister. Its obvious.” James chuckled.

“Oh shut up.” Moony said as he brushed Charlo’s pink hair out her face.

Wait! Pink! Damn she’s awake!  But I have to know what Moony says so I’m going to keep quiet

Dude keep it quiet over there. I can here your thoughts you know since we’re twins and I want to hear what Remus says to. So Charlo can hear my thoughts. Awesome.

“So your not denying it Moony?” I smirked.

“Well no, she is beautiful.” Then he paused “Did I just say that out loud?”

“Dude that’s my sister.” I hissed.

“So? She’s beautiful but its not like we’ll date. She needs better than me I mean I’m a beast.” Moony looked quite sad as he said this.

I looked at Charlo and watched her hair turn blue. She’s sad. I read her thoughts:

I know he’s a werewolf but if he really likes me he’d tell me. Damn it she knows about Moony’s secret. Better tell Moony she’s listening.

“Um Moony you know how twins can hear each others thoughts.”


“Well I’m reading Charlo’s and she is awake. She’s heard every word.”

“WHAT!! Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” He shot up out of his seat forgetting he had Charlo’s head in his lap.

“OWW!!!” Charlo shouted as she rolled onto the floor.

“Jesus Remus that hurt.”

“I-I-I.” Remus stammered. “Was you really awake?”


“Well why didn’t you say something?”

Charlo’s hair was turning red.


“Looks like its someone’s time of the month!” I chuckled. James coughed to hide a laugh.

“Shut up Sirius!” She screamed her hair a mix between blue and red.

“I hate you, all of you!!!”

 With that she stormed out but not before saying “And I know your a werewolf I read Sirius’s thoughts but it doesn’t make me like you any less.”

She ran down the corridor her hair turning from red to blue to purple to blue and back to purple faster then a set of traffic lights.

“Damn it, Moony. Your first crush already loves you and she’s knew you less than 5 hours. I’ve knew Evans for 3 years and she still hates me. How do you do it Moons? James wined.

Remus ignored James and turned to me.

“Does she really hate me L?”

“No, I read her thoughts before she left.”


“She hates herself for loving you when she knows its wrong.”


“ I know it doesn’t feel wrong to you Moons but she has this thing about dating her brothers best friend.”

With that I followed Charlo thinking:

Even if it kills me. My sister will not date Moony.

No-one can stop me- Especially not my twin!!-A Marauder love storyWhere stories live. Discover now