Chapter 4- Truth or Dare. DON'T CALL ME CHARLOTTE

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Remus POV:

“So guys what do you want to do?” Sirius asked.

“I know –Truth or dare. I haven’t played in ages because the girls at my old school thought it was childish.”Shrieked Charlo.

“Sure sounds cool,” Everyone said as we got in a circle on the floor.

“Ok, we should useVeritaserumso no one can lie on the truths.” I suggested then ran to get some.

“Ok Lily truth or dare?” James asked?

“Truth” James grinned while Lily took the Veritaserum.

“Do you love me?” James grinned.

“Yes, but your a big-headed git so I wont go out with you.” I’ve never seen Lily so red.

James blushed as red as Lily and grinned.

“Ok, Remus Truth or Dare?”

“Dare.” I mumbled.

“I dare you to switch cloths with Peter and wear them for the rest of the night.

Me and Peter walked upstairs and swapped cloths when we came back down:

Bright red in the face I said. “Charlo Truth or Dare?”


She gulped down some Veritaserum.

“Who’s your crush?”  I asked. Of course we already knew but still...

“Remus.” Her hair flashed pink and purple.

“Why?” James smirked

“Because he’s handsome, hot, sweet, smart and the kindest person I know.” Her hair was bright purple by now with a faint pink.

“She got that out of a train ride?” I mumbled blushing but gleaming.

Charlo POV:

“Because he’s handsome, hot, sweet, smart and the kindest person I know.” I said clearly but I knew I was blushing. Damn Veritaserum.

She got that out of a train ride?” I heard Remus mumble. But I could see his cheeks and his smile.

(Skip through the game until its Remus go)

“Remus truth or dare?”


“Ask Charlo out.”

He looked at me, for permission I guess but I kept my head down.

Lily told me to stand up and Remus came over to me and dropped on one knee. I couldn’t help but giggle making my hair go pink.

“Charlo Black, your beautiful, funny and a very happy girl, go out with me?”

Charlo, please say no. For me

Sirius. Well this is payback for what happened on the train.

“Yes Remus, yes.” I giggled again my hair going a brighter pink.

Remus stood up, put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me gently but passionately.

“Gosh Charlo your hair is more purple then my favourite dress.”Lily giggled.

I blushed crimson my hair turning pink. I pulled away from Remus and we both sat down.

“Charlo truth or dare?”

I picked truth again.

“What did you and Sirius talk about in your heads in the carriage?”


After 5 minutes of begging and crying they forced the Veritaserum in my mouth. “What did you and Sirius talk about in your heads on the carriage?” Remus asked again.

“I-I apologised to Sirius about over-reacting, I asked if Remus really liked me and he said yes. Then-Then.” I sobbed.

“Yes?” Lily questioned.

Fight it Charlotte, don’t tell them, please, for me


Now I wanted to tell them.

“He begged me not to go out with you. He said don’t date you, for him.”

They finally released me and I ran up to my dorm and cried myself to sleep.


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Love you guys <3

And stay Georgous <3

No-one can stop me- Especially not my twin!!-A Marauder love storyWhere stories live. Discover now