Chapter 3-Meeting Lily and getting sorted

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Ok people this chapters longer thanChapter 2 so BEWARE!!

Charlo POV:

After I ran away from the Marauders I began to feel ashamed at my outburst.

My hair turned to brown as I started humming to songs. After about 10 minutes a girl with bright red hair came in and said

“Hi, I’m Lily Evans are you Charlotte Black?” She said looking concerned.

I felt my hair go to red. Lily must have noticed.

“Oh you’re a Metamaphorgus and your angry don’t you like the name Charlotte?” She looked quite scared

“No I hate it and don’t call me Charlie either. My names Charlo. Not to be rude but how-?”

“Sirius asked me to come and find you, he said you were angry.”

“Ye the marauders got me mad.”

“Want to talk about it?”

So I told lily about everything that happened since I got to King Cross.

“From the sounds of it you have a hot temper but when I saw the guys they looked quite sad so I’d apologize.” Lily said once I finished

“Ye I was going to anyway. Lily?”


“What’s he like, Remus?”

“Well he’s definitely the smartest and kindest of the marauders, if it was me I’d give him a chance.” She grinned. “Anyway we have to go get changed otherwise we’ll have to get changed when we get to school.”

By the way Lily’s wearing:

My uniform is different to Lils. Because she’s in Gryffindor hers are like this:

Mine at the moment is:

I hope I get put in Gryffindor the house of bravery and (according to Sirius) good looks. (How did peter get in it then?)J.  Once the train stopped I hopped into one of the carriages with Lily. Only just before it left the Marauders hopped on making Lily go mute.


“NO! Potter.” Lily snapped

“I was just going to ask about your summer.” James insisted while Sirius sniggered.

“Oh , it was good I went to France for most of it.” She mumbled embarrassed.

Btw my hair is blonde but is now turning white.

Remus looked at my puzzled expression and explained.

“James has been asking Lily out since first year it’s been driving her mad.” He pointed at Lily who had gone read as Remus spoke.

We were now close to the castle so I thought:

Hey Sirius!

I caught him grin


I’m sorry about earlier I over-reacted!

It’s Ok.

Thanks Sirius, Does Remus really like me?

Well he didn’t shut up about you on the train so I guess so.

I felt my hair go pink

Oh Yay!- I mean cool



As your brother, as your twin do me a favour?

Sure bro, anything.

Don’t date Remus, please don’t.

“Charlo, Sirius?-CHARLO and Sirius Black!” Remus and Lily shouted together making me and Sirius come back to reality.”

“You talked to each other in your minds didn’t you?”James asked

“Ye, sorry.” We mumbled. I looked at Sirius, he looked desperate.

“Charlo your hair, its blue, why are you sad?” Remus asked glancing at Sirius, I turned and faced him. (A/N: Charlo is sitting next to Remus and Lily.  Sirius is opposite Charlo, James opposite Lily and Peter opposite Remus)

“Nothing Remus, I’m fine just tired.”

He looked concerned but didn’t say anything else. The boys started to talk about Quidditch while Lily whispered “We need to talk.” I just nodded. After a long while we got to Hogwarts and my hair turned black.

“Charlo, stop panicking, please there’s nothing to be afraid of.”Remus whispered into my ear.

“But what if I’m put in Slytherin, I don’t want to I want to be with Lily and Yo-the Marauder’s. I was sure my hair was flashing in-between pink purple blue and black.

“Charlotte Black please go to Professor Dumbledore’s office to be sorted.” Old strict-looking women said loudly.

I gritted my teeth at the sound of my name as Lily took me to Dumbledore’s office.

Once we got there Lily mumbled “Sherbet Lemon” then turned to me:

“I hope you get put in Gryffindor but if you don’t we can still be BFF’S.” I hugged her and felt my hair turn blonde, I was no longer nervous since I knew I had a friend.

“Ah, you must be Miss Black. Let’s hurry so I can take the hat down to the Sorting Ceremony.” He told me to sit on a stool then placed a ratty grey hat on my head. Scaring me a little a whisper popped into my ear:

“Very smart well enough for Ravenclaw, Kind enough to be in Hufflepuff, Sly enough to be a Slytherin but brave and pretty enough to be a Grifindor. Mmm I see what you desire so it’s going to have to SLY-no-RAV-GRI-no-Huff-GRIFFINDOR!!!”


What’s pleased you?

I’m in Gryffindor J

Really, Brilliant Ill tell everyone else.

Ok see you later.

“Miss Black, are you ok?”

“Yes professor, I’m sorry.”

“No matter, I’m sure your friend’s will be as pleased as your brother. Now run along to the Great Hall. Your things will be taken to your dormitory that you will share with Miss Evan’s.”

“Yes professor.”

My hair turned to yellow as I tried to think to Sirius.

WOW!! Creepy Dumbledore read my mind

Creepy right?

Ye, is Rem-The guys with you?

Ye, Where are you?

“Right behind you.” I laughed scaring Sirius.

(Skipping the feast and the walk to the common rooms)

“So guys what you want to do?” Sirius asked

“I know-“

HA! Cliff-hanger. The next chapter will be everyone (The Marauders, Lily and Charlo) playing a game and heartbreak’s.

I might upload later or tomorrow either way I just want two favours:

1)    Please Comment <3

2)    Stay Gorgeous <3

No-one can stop me- Especially not my twin!!-A Marauder love storyWhere stories live. Discover now