Chapter 6- Coffee and Charlie

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Remus POV:

“You have to admit”. I panted as we chased after her. “She is definitely energetic.”

James and Peter chuckled but Sirius yelled:

“Shut it Moony, we have to find her last time this happened, well lets just say that she was grounded for kicking my aunt in the face doing a cart-wheel.” He smiled at the memory. But came back to reality “The point is when she’s like this she hurts herself and others, so where would she be?”

“Lily.” Charlo would go to Lily who would be outside with Snivellus.

I ran to the court-yard passing Lily and Snivellus who had a bloody nose.

“Where’s Ch-?”Lily cut me off

“Tallest tree by the Black Lake.”

All four of us ran towards the Lake only to see Charlo, jumping up and down on a branch.

“Charlo come down. NOW!” Sirius yelled

“No*jump* I want *jump* more*jump*COFFEE*Jump jump*!”

I had an idea.

“Peter go and get some coffee from the Great Hall and James go and ask Slughorn for a calming potion. GO!” I snapped.

“Moony how’s a coffee and a calming- OHH.” God Sirius could be stupid.

“Charlo, if you come down I’ll get you some more Coffee.”I bribed.

“Really, Remmy promise?”

“I promise. Now come on down.” I grinned.

Charlo grabbed a branch above her, swung, her wild ginger hair flapping round her face, and jumped down.



“Piggy Back!”

“Fine.” With that she clambered on my back and snapped “take a picture, it’ll last longer.” To anyone who stared.

With all the extra weight on my back it took me a while to get a while up the stairs and to the common room. By the time I got back the rest of the Marauders and Lily had mixed the calming potion and the coffee together and were trying to look innocent.


James, Peter, Sirius and Lily were all sitting on the couch talking when I came in with Remus. I familiar smell caught my nose and I screamed:

“COFFEE!!!” I scrambled of Remus’s back and snatched the cup from James’s hand and swallowed it in one gulp.

1second I felt brilliant top of the world the next I felt I could sleep for a hundred years.

“I think I might go to bed I’m quite tired.” With that I trampled up the stairs and fell asleep the moment my head touched the pillow.


After Charlo went to bed, I began to wonder about her name and why she didn’t like it.

I understand her not liking Charlotte I mean most Charlottes don’t. But why not Charlie. It’s a cute name and not as weird to say as Charlo. I decided to ask Sirius he would know he knew everything about her.

“Um Sirius, Can I ask you something?”

“Ye sure what’s up?”

“Why does Charlo not like the name Charlie?”


“Why does Charlo not like the name Charlie?”Lily asked

“I-I It’s a secret!” I stammered. Strangely I knew she would ask, someone was bound to soon enough.

Now the others were staring at me.

“Come on, we’re her best friends and we wont tell anyone.” James protest

“Fine.” I began the story:

(Narrator POV)

When Charlo was 10 she used to have this friend called Charlie.

The two of them had been friends since they were 5. They called themselves the “Terrible Charlie’s”.

On her 10th birthday, her friend (he’s a boy by the way) gave her a bracelet that had: Charlie+Charlie on the inside of it. He told her no matter what happened they would always be best friends. She asked what he meant and he just hugged her and said: “promise you won’t forget me Charlie promise me.

“I promise.”She smiled up at him then they went into separate houses.

The next day the minister of magic came to our house and said to her:

“Miss Black I’m afraid Mr Charlie Daniels is dead! He was murdered by his mother and father. He left you this.”

 It was a picture of the two of them on her 8th birthday smiling. They had been really good friends and happy children back then.

(Back to SIRIUS POV)

“Ever since then every time some one calls her Charlie she remembers her old friendship with Charlie Daniels and gets really emotional.”

By the time I’d finished everyone was silent. You could of heard a pin drop.

Until “What happened to the photo? The one Charlie left her.” Wormtail asked thoughtfully.

“Nothing. She still has it.”I told him.

“And the bracelet?”That was Prongs.

“She still wears it everyday.”

 I sighed at the pain my sister must have gone through after the loss of her best friend.

Awwwww. Poor Charlo. I nearly cried typing it up.

Well I’m tired so I’m of to bed.

Hope you had a Great Easter

And I’ll update as soon as I can.

Stay Gorgeous <3

No-one can stop me- Especially not my twin!!-A Marauder love storyWhere stories live. Discover now