Wakey Wakey!

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-Ace's pov-

I sat up slowly rubbing my eyes open.
The soft curtains flowing over my window shone with blinding light.
       " ...mmm..."
I groaned grogilly.

'I gotta go wake up luffy'.
I swung my legs over the side of my bed, the cold wooden floor sending a shiver through my legs.
Before I headed over to luffy's room to wake the sleeping beauty, I walked over to the bathroom down the hall.
Grabbing my toothbrush I quickly wet it with some water and squeezed some white paste on it.

Scrub scrub scrub

I finished up washing my face, deciding I better start trying to wake up luffy now.
It was always a long process trying to get him out of bed.

Walking down the hallway I opened luffy's bedroom door.


He was hugging his rolled up blankets, both of his legs wrapped around it.

I slowly approached his bed.
Coming closer to him I could hear that adorable little snore he lets out while sleeping.
His cute face so relaxed and peaceful.
Long thick eyelashes fluttering slightly in his sleep.

Ace: luffy...

I quietly spoke his name, bringing my hand up to his face I brushed his soft hair of of his way. Gently caressing my thumb over his cheek.
I got down on my knees next to his bed. Playing with his flicks of black hair.

Ace: luffy.. You gotta wake up. We have school.

Luffy murmured something softly, too quiet to hear.

Ace: I'll tickle you if you don't wake up...

He turned his head slightly with his eyes still closed.

Luffy: mm..nnf?

'too cute... What am I suppose to do with you'

I felt my cheeks flush, wishing at this moment that I had my phone with me to take a picture.

Ace: alright if you don't get up I'm changing you myself...

Luffy opened his big brown eyes slightly.

Luffy: nn.. I'm get.. N-up

I brushed my hands through his hair one last time before standing up.

Ace: Lu we have to be at the bus stop in a half hour, hurry downstairs and ill get you some cereal.

Luffy hummed in response still half asleep on his bed.
I took a second to look at his cute and messy bed head before I left his room.

Striding across the hallway I made my way downstairs.
The kitchen was empty as usual.
Garp wasn't at home too often because of work, leaving me and luffy the house to ourselves.

I opened the refrigerator, grabbing the milk.
setting down the jug of milk on the small table I grabbed luffy's favorite cereal from the kitchen cabinet.
Luffy usually liked to watch something on tv while we ate breakfast so I found the remote and turned on his favorite channel.

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