School Bus

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-Luffy's pov-

Ace had me make my way downstairs to eat some cereal while he finished getting ready.
He always made sure I was up and ready on time.. It made me grateful for someone like him.

I pushed my spoon through my bowl of cereal, watching the tv from our dining table.
The show made me laugh occasionally, Still feeling sleepy from waking up.

' Ace dressed me... ///'

I was used to us changing in front of each other but lately I've been trying to keep that limited. People tease ace about how we aren't like normal brothers (whatever that means), I can't help feeling like that might be my fault.. I'm always clinging to him and wanting his help.
Recently I decided I would try and give him some space (even though I didn't want to do that..).
Were getting older and I can't keep relying on him..

Luffy's face grew solemn.
He wouldn't admit it, but his heart ached at the thought of treating ace differently.
Right as luffy got lost in thought, Ace came bouncing down the stairs.

Ace: hey don't let the cereal get soggy Lu.

He reached his hand over to my head, playfully petting it.

Luffy: are you gonna eat?

Ace: nah. I'll get something from the vending machine at school.

Luffy hummed in response.

Luffy: we can head out, I had enough to eat.

Luffy stretched his arms out while yawning.

Ace: hey wait for me after school today, I've got a surprise.

Luffy's eyes got wide with curiosity.

Luffy: don't you have work?

Ace: not today.

Ace smiled down at luffy, a look of adoration.
He once again ran his hands through his hair.
Luffy flinched slightly at it.

Ace: okay Lu?

Luffy: mm.. Yeah..

Luffy shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

Luffy: can you maybe... Not touch my head?

Ace quirked a eyebrow. Slightly annoyed but mostly concerned why his little brother had the sudden change of heart.

Ace: okay.. If you don't like it, I understand. Are you sure you're okay?

Luffy quietly responded with "yeah". Getting up and grabbing his school bag.

Luffy: you ready?

Ace was confused but replied nonetheless.

Ace: yeah Lu. Lets head out.

We both made sure we had our school bags.
Continuing to the front door we got outside and locked it before walking down the driveway.
The day was crazy bright. Not a cloud in sight, thankfully still a nice breeze to cool down if it gets hot.
Ace and I walked side by side down the nearly empty road.
Ace made his way closer to my side.

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