A Date To Remember - part one!

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-Luffy's pov-

I sat at my desk, my arm supported by my elbow as I rested my head on my hand.
The entire time I was at lunch all I could think about was maybe getting to see ace.
I found myself getting irritated that I couldnt focus on the simplest things.
And now here i was, my lunch break was over.
All I was doing was taking a small break in class talking to nami as the teacher finished up grading a stack of papers.

Nami: hey luffy!

Luffy: hm?

Nami sighed.

Nami: I asked you a question.

I lifted my head from my hand, moving myself to sit up straighter in my seat.

Luffy: sorry nami. I've been having a hard time paying attention.

Nami: yeah I can tell.

Nami sat down in the desk next to mine.

Nami: I can't imagine what you're thinking about.

Nami said sarcastically while rolling her eyes.
I knew she didn't really mind it, the fact that I was hardly paying attention.

Luffy: this day has been so slow...

Nami: well... It'll be over soon. And then you and your prince charming can go out on that date.

Luffy's face blushed. His eyes shone bright from thinking about it.

He knew ace had something to tell him.. And at the same time their was something luffy really needed to tell ace as well.

Luffy: you think he's going to confess?

Nami laughed loudly, She slapped her desk a couple times, until the teacher looked up from her desk giving her a warning glare.

Nami: uhm. Yes... I think he will. What else would he be telling you on a date?

Luffy nervously laughed.

Luffy: well... You never know.

Nami smiled at luffy. Her grin was warm and sincere.

Nami: don't worry luffy. He loves you. You know that.

Hearing those words made luffy flustered. He had yet to tell ace he loved him... And that's what he was hoping he could do today.


Luffy looked over to the classrooms door, standing there was his prince.
His charming presence lit up any room he was in, guaranteed he got some heads to turn. Luffy wondered how he got so lucky, to have someone so amazing close to him.

Ace: excuse me?

Teacher: yes?

Ace: I need to take luffy out for a minute.

The teacher looked at ace up and down. Her glasses at the end of her nose as she stared over them.

Teacher: bring him back soon.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2017 ⏰

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