School Day

885 22 14

-Ace's pov-

Ace: you hungry?

Luffy: mmm yeah..

Ace: okay. Lets get something to eat.

After getting luffy off the bus, (carried him in his arms) he sat him down. Both of them continued to walk into the entrance of the school.

Luffy: im excited...

Ace: for what?

Luffy got a big grin on his face, looking up at ace.

Luffy: our date!

Ace's face turned serious, he scratched the back of his head. Slowing down his walking.

Ace: oh I forgot about that..

Luffy's brows furrowed, his smile turning into a frown. he stared up at ace wondering why he forgot so easily.

Ace turned his serious face back into a goofy wide grin.

Ace: I'm kidding luffy... How could I forget that?

Ace reached his face down and planted a kiss on top of luffy's head.
Luffy playfully punched ace's side.
He winced, clutching at the spot luffy hit.

Luffy: I didn't hurt you! You big oak.

Ace busted out laughing at his remark.

The crowd of kids walked to their classrooms. Freshman taking off in one direction, and the others walked in another.
Luffy is a junior and ace is a senior, most of the time seniors stopped at the cafeteria for breakfast and to hang out for a bit before class started.
Ace grabbed luffy's hand and led him into the cafeteria room.

Amongst the many long tables, there was one where friends of theirs sat.
Nami waved and smiled once she saw them, robin was reading, while sabo munched on some food.

Nami: hey guys!

Ace: hey. Anyone else joining you guys?

Robin: the others took off to class. Seems like they're eager to learn (sarcasm).

Sabo laughed.

Sabo: you guys just stopping by? I hardly see you two in the cafeteria for breakfast.

Luffy: I didn't get much to eat, were gonna sit with you after we get some food.

Ace: I haven't eaten at all so I'm gonna get to that.

Sabo waved us away.

Luffy and I made our way over to the line, connecting to the food on the counter.
Each person quickly passing through, only to grab some of the mediocre pizza the school had to offer.
Once luffy and I made our way to the food we picked up some pizza as well, grabbing a small container of cereal for myself as a snack later.

Ace: you want cereal Lu?

Luffy: mmm..... No.

Ace smiled and moved on through the line.
Both boys sticking close to eachother as they made their way over to the table once again.
Nami looked at luffy, slapping the bench next to her.

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