I fell for him

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Kage's POV
I stood at the top of a building in the city to avoid interaction with people mainly to try and find my favorite restaurant. I heard a voice from an ally below me and ignored it until I heard a girl's voice. "Listen pal I'm not gonna show my skin cause all I'll do is rip out your throat if you scream" she threatened. 'wow she has the guts to say that to those idiots.' I thought. I heard the fire escape squeak as if someone was jumping on it. I turned around to see the girl that had spoke. I stared at her as she watched me. She had on black hoodie, pants, and converse but what I couldn't look away from was her eyes. One was (e/c) while the other was a dark red. I ignored the fact she had a tail and ears. Her ears twitched so I took it as she heard something. Sirens. She started to run faster than Toby running from Jeff. I felt something. Something that I haven't felt in a long time. Do I like her? No no no I'm a killer. I just sat there but the I decided to follow her. I needed to know her.

(Y/n)'s POV
I ran and ran till i reached the woods. Police behind me. Sirens whaling and never ending. I darted to the only happy memory of my child hood. The old willow tree, the only place that made me feel sane from this madness. I climbed into the branches behind the leaves. Slowly, i cried, as time flied i heard voices. "Where could she be? If the cheif finds out we lost this thing again, we're so screwed." A man said. As i listened i heard the two voices talk back and forth but the slowly their voices turned to screams. I stayed in the tree, afraid to even move. Slowly i heard a voice, a male voice, he sounded like he was tough but for a second his voice sounded gentle. I slowly peek my head out to see the man from earlier. "Kon'nichiwa" he says nicely. I look at the ground to see the men's dead bodies and i couldn't help but.. giggle, "i can't s-speak japanese so can you please speak english if you can." He tilted his head and i could understand he was processing it. "Sorry I was saying hello. My names kagekao but please call me kage." I move down to the branch that was closest to the ground. "Im (Y/N). I have one question for you?" He stood there "Yes what is it?" "Why did you follow me?" I asked getting off the branch. He chuckled "because you interest me."

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