Let the battle begin

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Seer's POV
As we waited for (y/n) I could feel something rise.

We walked through a portal to a big empty land. Y/n walks in front of everyone holding a scythe in one hand while in the other a white glowing light appears raising a book. She starts to say words no one could understand then soon the ground began to shake one by one skeleton looking soldiers began to stand ground. "Today we calm victory and peace for the worlds. Seek the demons he's created out my friends and slaughter them all except him for he is my target" the skeletons raised their weapons and began running while y/n spread out her wings placing her cloak on her head. What was different was her wings were half feathered and the other half complete bone. She took off. Me, Alice and pinky stayed behind as the others went to fight.

Once the vision ended, I was snapped back watching zero as she was smashing a demons skull in. "About damn time, seer." "S-sorry" i couldn't help but mumble. 3 demons were about to pounce on us until they stopped in mid air. We turned to see y/n controlling them within a snap their heads were in pieces. We stood there shocked about what we just saw. I felt something different, I felt her presence, so strong and so.. so peaceful. It was entirely different from before. I felt as if part of me was lifted. "Ladies it's time we end this, for the sake of worlds colliding." Y/n opens a portal and we follow her into it. Once the light cleared we were back at the mansion. Everyone was there waiting in the living room as soon as me and zero were about to walk in, y/n paused. Her body turned black while her hair turned snow white. Her eyes and wings were blood red. Vines appeared around her hands as if linking her to the ground. She put up a barrier around the house and created different types of hounds out of vines sending them in every direction. After doing all this she turned back to normal walking inside to kage asleep with the twins and everyone watching tv but what was stranger kage was in a dog like form. Y/N walked up to kage and woke him up with a kiss on the head. "We have everything now" she spoke as she laid her head on his. I froze and my eyes blacked out 'oh no not another vision.'

'Y/n stood up and looked at everyone. kage turned into a human picking up the twins and walked to the other side of the room were Jeff was. Y/n was about to follow till a portal opened behind her and many hands grabbed her pulling her inwards. Kage handed the twins to Jeff quickly and tried to grab her but it was to late.'

I slapped out of it fast and saw kage already next to Jeff. I rushed over and pushed Y/n to the floor just as the portal opened and grabbed me. I heard everyone scream and then silence.  

Y/n POV 

As seer pushed me multiple hands pulled her into a portal. My mind filled with so many emotions, I could feel anger rise and hatred for the thing that I related to. I felt as if the spark of power took over no not a spark but a full flood. I wanted to end this now and I didn't want anyone in the way. I stood up and went outside opening the book searching page upon page till I found a spell for a barrier than only lefts the caster in and out. As I repeated the spell the barrier raised and I opened the portal. My family will not suffer in this, I will protect them. I walked through to the other world and rose my army of skeletons. "Today we calm victory and peace for the worlds. Seek the demons he's created out my friends and slaughter them all except him for he is my target." I turned around and looked at 3 skeletons and a hound "find seer and protect her till this is over." I turned back around and yelled "No demons left alive, kill them all ." With that, the battle began as I searched for him. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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