The surprise within time

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Kage's POV

I wake up next to (Y/n), looking at her thinking  'I'm the luckiest man alive to have her I swear.' I pull her closer to me and feel accomplished for the love bites I left on her. She slowly begins to wake up, smiling I kissed her. "Good morning beautiful, I hop-" before I could finish there was a knock at the door. "(Y/n), kage slendy needs you downstairs fast." From the way it was worded, I'm guessing it was hoodie. We both got up, I put on my usual clothes and mask like always while (Y/n) put on her kimono and mask. She grabbed her sword and hid it on her side. We ran downstairs to see slendy and everyone else including his brothers and their proxies. "Good your here, as of last night when (y/n) sense the presence of him, things have gotten bad. 5 of tendermans proxies were injured in the south while offendermans proxies were being attacked. He is coming faster than we have thought so please beware. There will be training everyday so we are prepared. Also my brothers and their proxies are staying here." Slendy finished talking. Everyone busted out talking about the issue at hand while (y/n) stood there silent. "(Y/n) please lead everyone outside and do your perimeter check." With those words slendy spoke, (y/n) bowed. Grabbing her knives and motioning everyone to follow her, we went outside and sat down. She spread the knives and sword around her in a circle then sat in the middle. She closed her eyes, the blades lifted into the air and pointed into every direction. The blades flew off into the woods. All of a sudden, I heard jeff chuckle "wow so that's how she protects us by simply sending blades threw the woods. How pathetic." I looked at him growling then at everyone else and I could tell they were ready to kill him. He started walking towards (y/n), I got up to go after him but sally and toby stopped me. As he got closer to her, not even half way, we all heard the screams of pure horror then every blade came back but with heads still on them. They landed in a pile next to (y/n). Jeff thought it would be fun to try and still go after (y/n). In the next second, it was a flash. Jeff was on the ground while (y/n) was flying in the air, looking down at everyone but mainly Jeff. She was different. Her skin was pitch black and her eyes were white. Her hair was longer and black as well but the most surprising thing of all, was the fact she had long pitch black wings. "Jeffery if I'm mistaken, did I hear you say your protecton was pathetic? I have been here longer than any of you. I was the first proxy taken in by all four slenderman brother's. I am the real fear of these woods." (Y/n)s voice sounded so cold. Jeff just laughed at her. I looked at slenderman and his brother's shaking their heads. I knew they know more about her than what they are putting off. Slowly, I looked back at (y/n) and she was in front of jeff who was now realizing he screwed up. "Listen Jeffery, I don't care how you feel about the way I protect these woods as long as I'm alive you all are safe. I'm the reason the woods are confusing. Why you all are still safe from the labrats and him." Jeff stood there and laughed "you're just a pointless human well not even human your a monster that was abandoned and left to rot." She just looked down, walked past him and came up to me, hugging me. I kissed her forehead as I hugged back. The brother's moved into the yard. "Listen everyone, training is important right now. So with this being said, let's get this started." Slendy said. (Y/n) sat down on her knees and closed her eyes. I know she is stronger than she thinks which I know is kind of hilarious how well she hides it.

(Y/n)s POV
   "Darkness, sadness and hatred is all I sense. I go through the woods and feel the presense of someone I've never thought would be alive still. Even after, mother escaped the place of complete torture. The woods fill with shadows we can't trust and the fear of loss fills the air. I know I'm not human nor a monster but these very woods. I'm the guardian of my home and I am the creature who will create blood." These words fill my mind everytime I close my eyes. I know I'm different, I even know the truth about what he did to my mother. I looked up to the training and see everyone has been partnered up. Slendy has told me, I don't need training. I only have to sit here with sally and watch everyone.

  3 weeks past (sorry for the time skip)

Everyone has been training very well and I've already had my birthday luckly no one remembered. I don't even think, I know my own age which is hilarious. I have no birth records apparently. Slendy taught me some new things as well and I'm enjoying all of it.

  I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face. I looked in the mirror and noticed I looked paler. Slowly, I started to feel sick. Bending down over the toilet, I threw up. A wave of shock crossed my mind. I've never been sick nor will I get sick. I got up, got dressed and brushed my teeth. Kage was on a week long misson and it's already been 2 days. I knocked on Ejs medical room door. He opened the door completely shocked that it was me. "Um (y/n) what's up? What do you need?" Ej managed to say. I explained to him how I couldn't get sick and how I managed to randomly end up sick. He thought about it for a few minutes and the went to the cabinets. I stared at him confused. He came back, handing me a box that said pregnancy test. I looked up at him. Ej took a deep breathe "just do it so you can see if it's possible." I nodded and went to my room. I sat on the bed looking at it. I then heard a knock at my door. "Come in, jane" I took a deep breathe then exhaled. "How did you know it was me?" Jane walked in, closing the door behind her. "You come to my room at 5:56 everyday and your heart beats 6x faster than usual cause you know jeff comes by my room at 6." I looked at her and she just stared at me in disbelief. "Wow your good I wann-" before she could finish, she looked at the box in front of me. "(Y/n) are you pregnant?" Jane sat down in front of me. I looked at her "I don't know, I haven't taken the test yet." Quickly, jane pushed me into the bathroom and shut the door. I exhaled, pulling out the test from the box then pulling down my pants. I sat there for a few minutes after taking the test. When it was time, I looked at the test. My eye's grew wider when I saw the results...

I'm pregnant.

~~~~~~~~~~Author's note~~~~~~~~~~~
  Hey guy's, sorry for the wait. I got caught up in a lot of stuff. I hope you all enjoy

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