14 - I'm Gonna Find You

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The key was in the same hiding spot as always. I slipped it into the knob and unlocked Johnny’s door. After pushing it open, I turned my head to the left and right to make sure no one saw before I walked inside the silent living room.

The television I’d carelessly tossed to the floor sat in the same place I left it, but everything else was relatively clean. The walls didn’t hang pictures anymore, making it look like he lived there less and less each day. I guess it was my fault since I pretty much broke everything.

It was just that he pissed me off to no limit. I was the one who was supposed to reject him, not the other way around! And since when did a man give a shit if a woman was married? He obviously didn’t care if it was a young girl in high school.

Just thinking about him being with someone else made my blood boil. Thanks to his steamy encounter outside the bar, I had perfect visuals to go off of. He touched her the way he never touched me. He looked at her like he never looked at me.

I wanted to wreck everything in my path, just like I had so easily before. Instead, I started towards his bedroom and carefully searched through his drawers and worked my way through.

An hour later, I was trying to catch my breath in the stuffy air. The heat was agonizing in Johnny’s empty apartment. My sweat-soaked hair stuck to my cheeks as I rummaged through the trashcan in his kitchen. Still, I found nothing to give me any clues as to where he was.

He had been gone for the past two days, and must’ve slipped out while I wasn’t watching. I knew he was with that stupid little skank. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

I thought I’d been careful as to making sure he only went to school and back. The idea of him slipping out in the middle of the night had crossed my mind, but I didn’t think he was dumb enough to pull this disappearing act. I even called the school to see if he’d been working, and was told that he took off for a week. I couldn’t believe he thought I wouldn’t notice.

After I finished looking through the entire place without trashing it this time, I quietly sat down at his desk. He’d foolishly left his laptop out in the open; I had foolishly missed it this whole time.

A smile slid across my face as I opened the computer. Immediately, the screen powered on, asking me for a password. I typed the eight digits of his birthday, knowing he wasn’t clever enough to change it after all these years. I have to admit, I love Johnny but he can be as dumb as a doornail sometimes.

The old college picture of he and his friend, Kevin, loaded in the background. All the icons slowly appeared on the left side of the screen. That’s what he gets for getting a cheap PC. Finally, the menu bar popped up with a request to ‘Resume Last Internet Session.’

My eyes widened in satisfaction as I heavily clicked on the mouse. A window opened, loading the map finder website. It gave me everything I needed to know.

I grabbed a pen and a sticky note, writing down the directions to what looked like the beach. So, the bastard was trying to hide and go on vacation, was he? Not for very fucking long!

Laughing to myself, I folded up the tiny piece of paper and stuck it in my pocket. I was going to search the rest of his browsing history until a noise outside the door startled me into slapping the laptop closed. I got down on my knees and slid under the desk as I heard the doorknob shake. Shit! I should’ve locked it.

After the hinges squeaked, I could only make out one pair of footsteps. I looked through the few inches of clearance under the desk to see a pair of black boots that definitely didn’t belong to Johnny—he only wore loafers and weird shit like that. But that’s what I love about him.

The feet walked across the off-white carpet and into Johnny’s bedroom. I peeked my head out from under the desk and stared at the back of a young, dark-haired man. His shoulders rose and fell as if he were breathing heavily—as if he were angry.

I tried to pull myself out of hiding as quietly as I could, but my shoulder cracked against the chair. The cry I let out didn’t help, either.

The guy turned around giving me cold, blue eyes of fury. He looked oddly familiar, and most definitely good-looking. He had a built body, unlike Johnny, though he wasn’t any taller.

“Who the fuck are you?” he asked in a deadly tone.

Taken aback, I stood up and rubbed my carpet burned knees. Even though I didn’t like to take bullshit from kids, something told me to be polite. “I think I should be asking you the same question,” I answered as I strutted towards him and held out my hand. “I’m Alana.”

He looked down at my attempt to shake his hand and said nothing. Holding back the urge to roll my eyes, I forced a genuine smile at him.

“I think we might both be looking for Johnny Casey.”

His muscles finally relaxed, his lips returned a gorgeous grin, and his angry eyes lit up. Instantly, I realized he was the guy at the bar with Johnny’s little schoolgirl.

He took my hand in his and lightly shook it. “I’m Philip,” he greeted. “And yes, I’m looking for the asshole that fucked my girl.”

Millions of ideas crossed my mind as I slyly eyed the angry young man in front of me. I quickly fished the sticky note out of my pocket and held it up for him to see. “I’m pretty sure I can help you with that.”

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