Today's chapter moments would be:
Blushing/Sweet moments
Funny moments
Shocked moments
Pissed moements
Embarrassed momentsMe: Konichiwa!
Hinata: K-konichiwa Rica-chan
Me: So... Hinata-chan, How's it going between you and Naruto
Hinata: It's fine though
Naruto: Konichiwa!! Hinata-chan, Rica-cham
Me: Speak of the devil, here he is
Naruto: Huh?
Me: Just do the disclaimer...
Naruto: Fine. She doesn't own me or Hinata or the others, happy?
Me: Yup
Hinata's P.O.V
I was woken up by someone gently saying my name
"Hinata... Hinata...." A feminine voice uttered
"Ugh..... five more minutes" I groaned
"Hinata wake up..." the feminine voice said
I lazily lift up my eyelids
I saw Sakura and the gang
"What?! Do you know what time it is?!" I asked in an annoyed tone half asleep
"Well, it's 4:00 in the morning and we wanna tell you that we're heading home" Sakura stated
"Fine.... go then. Wait! Home?! But this is where you live Sakura" I uttered
"Yeah... I know but Sasuke suggested that I should stay with him in his house for just a week and also, I don't wanna be a third Wheeler to both you and Naruto since you'll go all lovey dove, so I'm staying with Sasuke, is it alright?" She asked for permission
"Nah... it's fine. Let me just get my key and I'll guide you outside" I said trying to get up
I didn't know if it's just me because I think my body is so heavy
"Wow!.. I didn't know that the gravity is so strong when the sun isn't up" I uttered
"I don't think it's because of the gravity...." Tenten stated
"What do you mean?" I asked while raising an eyebrow at her
She just points her index finger beside me motioning me to look at my left side
I just shrugged her and looked at the corner of my eyes to see Naruto's face facing me
I blushed crimson red at our position
"This is so... embarrassing" I mumbled
I then looked back to Sakura
"The key's are at my jeans left pocket. Upstairs" I instructed her
She just simply nods her head in understandment
After a few minutes Sakura came back down holding the key
"I'll see you in a week, Hinata" She said
"I'll be here, with Naruto" I stated
Then she closed the door
I just simply go back to sleep with a whiskered Uzumaki hugging me
Time Skip
I was woken up by the brightness of the sun hitting my face

Our Game (NaruHina Story)
FanficI'm Hinata Hyuga. 18 years old. I'm single (as always). I have a friend named Sakura Haruno. She had pink hair and emerald eyes. She's flat chested No spoiler!! 😜 My love story will start because of a game that I played on with my friends and 'him'...