Chapter 11 😡😊😱😏

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Hi guys!! I hope you'll like this chappy

Anyways!! Enjoy!!


Hinata's P.O.V

We are all currently in the gym now and by 'we' I mean the whole gang in other words Shinobi's and Kunoichi's

A few minutes of waiting. Principal Tsunade finally arrived. She's standing at the center of the stage while holding a microphone

She clears her throat

"Students!! I know that all of you that are here are going to join the battle of the bands!! I just want you to all know that your band must have a name!! And if you would like to try out for the audition just video your whole band while singing!! Not all of the members of the band need to sing!! Some of them just have to play instruments!! Just apload your video on the school website!! Only one group will win in this competition!! Who will it be?!!" Principal Tsunade said

All the other students began talking and the gym began to be filled with different voices

" That's enough now!! You may all go home!! I know that it's not the usual time you go home!! But I'm letting you so you could practice and upload video's already!! Don't remember to put your band name with the video!! That's all!!" Principal Tsunade finished

She then began to walk down the stage. Other students began to left and head home

"See you at the finals. Shinobi's." Ino said while waving at them

She then began to drag us towards me and Sakura's house since we have a garage where we can practice. There's also enough instruments there for the whole band

Once we arrived at me and Sakura's house we throw all our bags down and head towards the garage

"So.... what do you wanna play guys?" I asked

"I think I'll play drums since I've been doing some drum lessons" Temari said as she walked over the drumset

"I'll play this Keytar, cause I kinda have a thing for piano's even though it's not a full piano and half guitar" Sakura said while picking up the half piano half guitar instrument. I call it Keytar

"I'll play this guitar bass. I like modern" Into said while picking up the bass

"Okay, leaves me no chose then. I'll play this Electric Guitar and show them my cool guitar skills" I said while picking up the lavender lightning shaped guitar

"What about you Tenny? What are you gonna play?" Sakura asked

"Oh... I don't know. There's no instruments left for me" She replied sadly while leaning on something with a cloth covering it

I slowly walked towards her and pull the cloth away to reveal a piano

"I think there's an instruments left for you and it's meant for you" I said

"Whoa!! Awesome!! I look cool with this piano" She said as she pressed some key causing beautiful notes to be heard by us

"So... guys. What should we play?" Ino asked

"I don't know" they replied but not me

"Umm.... well.... I usually compose songs when I'm bored. Maybe we could play some of my songs?" I suggested

"That's a great idea" Into agreed with the others nodding

I then got my notebook from my bag and show them my songs

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