Chapter 24 😱😂😓😱

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Hi guys!! Hope you enjoy!!

I don't own Naruto or any of the characters


Author's P.O.V

"Wait! You know them?!" The girls manager, Erika asked

"Uh... duh, of course we know them! They're like our boyfriends!!" Ino replied while rolling her eyes

All the other girls quickly put their hands on Ino's mouth to prevent her from saying another word

"Excuse me?, your boyfriends?" The boy's manager, Jack asked

"No!..... Yes!" Sakura replied still holding Ino's mouth with her hand

"Make up your mind already..." Jack said

"She means 'no', they're not our boyfriend, we're not dating and 'yes', because they are our boy friends. Like a friend that is a boy.... ehehehehehehe" Hinata explained with a nervous laugh in the end

"Is that so...." Jack and Erika said in unsion not buying the pale eyed beauty's explanation

Both managers looked at each other a few seconds then looked aways blushing

Both bands also looked at each other then smirked

Then the boy's manager, Jack Malloy cleared his throat breaking the silence

"Okay, as I was saying, the band Shinobi's are your band's rival" Jack said to the girls after clearing his throat

He then turned to the boys

"And as for you six. You'll be practicing the whole day at your studio. Record your songs and then send it to me. I'll tell you what song you should play for your concert and what's not" Jack said sternly

"Umm... I have a question" Neji said

"What is it?" Jack asked

"Did you just say concert?" Neju asked

"Yes, and you'll be doing it here, at this place. Your concert will be held tomorrow night. You boy's are gonna live together at one house. I already let my team move your things from the hotel your staying before and to the house your going to stay now. I'll give you the address later" Jack said to the boys

"Now go practice, 4 hours before time break. You are not aloud to stop practicing unless it's time break or your righting some songs. Am I understood?" Jack asked sternly to the boys

His serious brown eyes piercing to their souls

"Yes sir!!" The boys replied seriously

"Tch! We're not in the military" Erika snickered but to her dismay Jack heard it

He turned around to face the certain girl

"Is there any problem, Ms. Heffley?" Jack asked

"Mhhmmm.... let me think. I guess there isn't any Mr. Malloy" She replied sarcastically

"Good..." The boy's manager said

"Now go!! Don't come to me until you already finished the songs" Jack said rudely to the boy's as he walked passed them hitting Neji's shoulder

"You may go now girls, go practice. Tell me if your done and let me hear it" Erika said kindly as she left the girls with the boy's

"Hn, I wish our manager was like your manager" Sasuke said

"Yeah... We're like in the military here. If I see him again I would tell his face that "we don't come here to be soldiers"!!" Naruto agreed

"He even hit my shoulder with his. Who do he think he is, I'll kick his ass if I ever see him again" Neji said

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