Chapter 32 🎤👫💏😆

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Hey everybody!! Sorry I took so long... I got really busy these past few days and all

I don't own Naruto or any of the characters. I also don't own Amy of the song

I hope you'll like this chapter. I really worked hard into making this. Please... read it


Author's P.O.V

When both couple have woken up from their deep slumber they greeted each other with a happy 'goodmorning' and a one quick Peck on the lips

They cuddled for awhile until Hinata decided to take a shower. She didn't lock the bathroom since she perfectly know that she's safe since Naruto is outside there

While she was relaxing in the shower, little did she know that a certain blonde headed boy with cerulean blue eyed stepped inside the bathroom

He snakes his hands around her curvious waist and then he rested his chin on her naked shoulders, startling the bluenette

"N-Naruto-kun.." The bluenette muttered

"Why are you here?" She asked

"I didn't want to use so much water so I decided to take shower with you" the blonde simply replied

He then began kissing her shoulder upwards to her neck. The bluenette let out soft moans once he suck her soft spot

He stopped for awhile

"Wanna go for a second round?" He asked seductively

The indigo haired girl just nods her head

They then began to do the 'thing' inside the bathroom 

Time Skip 

A few day's have passed and the news spread like a virus into the social media. Now all the fans already knew that the singing boy band sensation, Shinobi's are all in a relationship with the singing sensation girl band, Kunoichi's

Some of the folks are really sad cause some of them had a crush for the boy group/girl group. But also, some of them are really happy. They even made ships like; KibaTetsu, SasuSaku, SaiIno, ShikaTema, Nejiten, and especially NaruHina

There's really a lot happening these past few days. Also, both band group's manager even got dating. They were actually, really dating before but they got into some misunderstanding situation, but lucky for them, the gang made a plan to get them back together. So now, they are all working together

And as for Yomi and Akio. They got dating too. The girl's planned it with the help of the boy's to make them confess to each other while playing seven minutes in heaven

Present Day

Today is a wonderful day. The band is really getting ready for their first ever Wondercolts Concert. They decided to join the bands to a one band

They are also gonna release they're new song album right now.

The whole gang including the dating managers are at the backstage getting ready

"Remember guys, just be yourselves up their and do your best" Erika said softly

"Yeah..  and don't forget to rock the stage!!" Jack added

The gang just nodded their heads

Then the sliding high-tech double doors which lead to the stage began to open

"Ganbatte!!" Both manager said in unison

The gang then walked up the stage

Cheers and whistles could be heard from the crowded place

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