Chapter 26 😄😭💏😍😱😞

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Hope you'll enjoy

I don't own Naruto or any of the character's


Author's P.O.V

3 month's have passed

Naruto would always visit Hinata at the hospital after school or sometimes after practice, if their band will practice


Naruto is now walking towards the hospital. School time were just finished a few minutes ago

"Good afternoon, Naruto. You here to visit Hinata?" Nurse Shizune asked when Naruto passed the Nurse Station

The blonde boy stopped in his tracks to greet the nurse

"Good afternoon to you too, Ms. Shizune. And yes, I'm here to visit Hinata. As always" He greeted back with a light chuckle

"Oh!! I almost forgot. Today's the day she's supposed to wake up. I guess, she'll be waking anytime now" Shizune stated

The blonde boy's mood lit up at the news he received

"Really?! Then I better be going. Can't wait to see her, again" Naruto exclaimed as he ran towards the elevator and pushed the button that has the number 3 written on it

When the elevator arrived to the third floor the door opened and the excited blonde ran out and head towards his beloved's room

Meanwhile... with Hinata

(Earlier while Naruto is still talking to Shizune)

Hinata slowly lifted up her eyelids

She heard beeping sounds. She looked around the white room

"Where am I?" She asked herself

She then tries to sit up but she felt a stinging pain on her hair that prevents her from sitting up

"Ugh!!" She groaned as she placed her hands on her head

She then laid back down and relax herself

She closed her eyes for a moment and relax herself

She then heard the door's to her room opened. She heard panting she wanted to look who it was but she just keep her eyes close and relaxed

Must be a nurse She thought

Then she felt something warm grabbed her right hand she stiffened a bit but relaxed back again

She don't know who it is because the person is not speaking

She then slowly opened her eyes to be meet by a pair of ocean blue ones

Naruto's P.O.V

I was staring at Hinata's sleeping face. I was holding her right hand

I leaned forward to kiss her lips when I saw her eyes flattered open

My eyes widened

"You're awake!!" I exclaimed

I then hugged her

"I've missed you so much!!" I said while still hugging her. But to my dismay she's not hugging me back

I pulled away to take a better look at her

"How are you feeling?" I asked her

"I-I'm fine" She replied while stuttering

"Oh... good" I replied while giving her a close eyed smile

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