Dobre Twins And The First Kiss

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Marcus POV

I can't wait for tomorrow there's going to be a new kid in my class. His name is Lucas, he looks just like me. He came to have a look around our school the other week and I have volunteered to be his guide. I think we will be VERY good friends.

Lucas POV

I'm sort of nervous but also excited to move school but I hope people don't bully me again just because I'm gay. I went to have a look at the school a few weeks ago and this guy called Marcus, who looks just like me, offered to be my guide which is sweet. If he wants something special with me then he is definitely going in the correct direction but I shouldn't get my hopes up.

~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~

Marcus POV

My alarm went off at five which is unusual... "OH NO! I hope I haven't woken up Mom and Dad," I say to myself. I quickly put on a black button-up shirt and some jeans because my teacher told me to dress up neatly but I can't quite remember why. I rush out of my room to find my Mom and Dad fully dressed just coming out of there room. "Oh sorry did my alarm wake you...?" I asked Mother. She replied "No? You told us to wake up at five because you have to go and collect that new boy, Lucas isn't it?" Oh, thats why she told me to dress up smart. I jumped into my car to go and collect Lucas from his house to take him to school.

Lucas POV

Oh, that must be Marcus coming to pick me up "Bye Mom, bye Dad!" I yelled as I shut the front door behind me. "Ummm.....You must beeeee...Maaaarrrcussssssss......" I said to him nervously as he said "....and you must be Lucas. If you need any help just come to me." He sure seems like a nice guy.

~~~~~~~~~~At School~~~~~~~~~~

Erika POV 

"Ahhh you must be Lucas. You really are just as cute as Marcus has been telling me aren't you?" I said as I greeted him but Marcus told me to shut up and introduce myself so I did "Hi Lucas, I'm Marcus' friend Erika, did you know that there is this guy called Jake is kinda cute you should meet him." He agreed surprisingly with "I'll go to meet any cute guy anyti.....Damn!!! Don't worry. Sure I'll go and meet him." So I guess he's gay but I was too polite to say. When he said that Marcus looked happy I have no idea why...

Lucas POV

Oh god, bad start to the day well anyway there is no point in me making any friends here I already know that I'm going to have to move school again which is a shame because everyone here seems so nice especially Marcus. I Think "I love him. Holy crap, did I just say that out loud?" I asked nervously "Say what?" the others said curiously so I pretended I couldn't hear them and carried on walking.

~~~~~~~~~~After School~~~~~~~~~~

Marcus POV

I am walking home with Lucas so I asked him "Why did you move here?" He said he didn't like talking about it but as I asked he told me "I moved school because people kept bullying me just because...." "Because what...?" I asked him "Because I am gay." At this point, he had tears in his eyes so I comforted him and told him that I was gay too and had been at this school for as long as I can remember and never been bullied. Also, I told him how nice everyone was. He started smiling, gave me a hug then invited me round to his. I was going to say no because I didn't really know him that well and couldn't trust him but how could I say no to a smile as cute as that. I think I like him so I said "YES, OF COURSE!!!"

~~~~~~~~~~At Lucas' House~~~~~~~~~~

Lucas POV 

At home I started asking Marcus lots of questions because I definitely love him, how couldn't you. I offered him drinks and cakes and also introduced him to my parents. Then we went into my room and watched a romance film, I started getting super flirty. I stood up and pushed Marcus onto the bed not realizing what I was doing. I started unbuttoning my top, he started asking me what I was doing but I kept putting my finger to his lips. I lay on top of him on the bed and then I realized what I was doing and stopped. Then I ran and hid I the bathroom. I was so embarrassed. What was I doing? I unlocked the bathroom door to see Marcus standing there smiling. "Why are you smiling like that?" I asked him. He didn't say a word all he did was pick me up and take me back into my room, placed me back down on the bed and.......

Author Note:

If you comment your name and rate the most recent part I will give you a shout out in the next part I write. I will only be shouting out two people per part. Sorry if this got too much too quickly I just didn't want there to be too many parts. Thank you everyone, for reading. Shout outs for this part go to the Dobre Twins I don't know if they have an account but that is who  I shouted out.

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