Jealousy Overrules Love

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~~~~~~~~~~At Lucas' house~~~~~~~~~~ 

Lucas POV

He didn't say a word all he did was pick me up and take me back into my room, placed me back down on the bed and lay on top of me, just like I did. He also took his top off and grazed his tongue side to side across my lips asking for entry. I opened my mouth. Marcus' tongue explored my mouth for a bit then both of our lips then started opening and closing turning into a full-on kiss.

~~~~~~~~~~At School The Next Day~~~~~~~~~~

Marcus POV

I saw Lucas in the corridors so I went up to him and apologized "I am so sorry for last night, It got a bit too much a bit too quickly but when I saw you a few weeks ago I fell in love with you straight away. I know, we could have a celebratory party tonight at my place!" Straight away he said yes.

Lucas POV

I can't wait for tonight at Marcus' house. Now I have to go and make the invitations. This is what they say:

Dear _____ _______

Lucas and Marcus are having a celebratory party because they are now together.

Where: Marcus' house

When: 17/2/2017          5pm - 9am

See you there.

I wrote them for all Marcus' best friends. This party is going to be amazing! I hand out all the invitations before the end of school. then I go home change into my party outfit then head of to Marcus' house.

~~~~~~~~~~The Party~~~~~~~~~~

Marcus POV

Everyone is now coming through the doors and I greet each and every one of them. The last person was Jake Paul, he took me into my room and sat me down on my bed. He sat next to me.

Jake POV 

I sat Marcus on his bed and shut the door, then I sat next to him. He is my true love and always has been so I obviously lied to him to attempt to get him back. "You know you think that you're with Lucas..." He nodded with a bit of a frown. "Well I feel so sorry to say this but I saw him kissing my brother, Logan, this morning in my house. I wanted to call you there and then but it was 3 am so I didn't." There were tears running down his face so I gave him a hug and told him to calm down but the more I said it the more he cried. After 10 minutes or so of him crying he finally spoke. "Can I ask you a question?" I nodded "Are you gay?" I nodded again but this time with a smile "Why?" I asked back. "...Because as you told me the truth and I can trust you will you be my boyfriend?" he asked me. Am I dreaming? Obviously, I said Yes.

Marcus POV

I stood up and walked onto the balcony holding hands with Jake just to admire the view. For the rest of the party, I stayed in my room kissing Jake. This was the life. At the end of the party, Jake went home and Lucas came upstairs and knocked on the door "Who is it?" I shouted from the other side of the door. "It's me, Lucas." "Oh, it's you again. Come in..." 

Lucas POV

"Is everything ok Marcus...?"

Author Note:

If you comment your name and rate the most recent part I will give you a shout out in the next part I write. I will only be shouting out two people per part. Thank you everyone, for reading. I am not shouting anyone out this week.

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