Chapter 2

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Stiles wakes up feeling sick as ever. His head is pulsing, body is aching, and breathing in slower than normal. The worst part is the heavy feeling of all the wires that are connected to him. He slowly moves his left arm weakly over the tubes and machinery to find the oxygen mask. He is very dazed and confused on what is going, but he knows he can't have direct oxygen. It'll eventually kill him.

When he finally finds his face, stiles grabs the mask and rips it off as quick as possible. He takes a quick intake of air, panting like a dog. Stiles was lucky to wake up before the gas had killed him.

Stiles then proceeded to pull off all of the other gadgets, freeing himself of their grasp. It felt like being tangled up in vines and weeds. There is no way he was going to stay like that. Stiles tries to sit up once more, yet fails.

"Fûck." He falls back, groaning in pain. His heart was on fire. He needs to get to a hydrogen tank before his body starts melting from the inside out. Since I haven't explained it, let me break it down. Stiles' body runs on pure hydrogen. Yes, there is hydrogen in the Earth's air, but not enough. He needs a tank.

Stiles takes a couple of deep breaths and finally forces himself up. He almost screams out due to the pain in his abdomen and chest. The chest pain is from lack of proper air, and the abdominal agony is occurring because there is a stitched up hole with a bandage over it.

"What the hell?" He utter. He goes to get out of bed, but his left arm pulls him back, causing a little extra pain. He turns back to see his left arm is handcuffed to the bed. Stiles' eyes widen and body whitens. "No." He ignores all agony he had and yanks the cuffs. What happened to him to make them handcuff him to the bed?

"What's going to happen now, Doctor?" A male voice says. Stiles' head snaps to the door. That's sounds like Scott. Maybe he can help Stiles.

"The patient is going to be moved to another room now that we have a place where we can strap him down. After that rage fit we can't take any more chances." A stranger's voice replies. So he is certainly in a hospital. Like I said before, he will die if treated like a human. Giving him oxygen is only one thing they did wrong. He can imagine the thousands of other bad thing they could do. If Stiles didn't like hospitals before he really won't like them any time soon if he's torchered.

"What even caused him to act like that?" Scott questions. "He attacked that security guard and nearly got himself killed!" True answer of what happened: When Stiles suffers from lack of proper air, he blacks out and goes crazy. Now let's see what the doctor is going to say happened.

"Relax, the bullet didn't go deep, plus he has some really thick skin. The bullet didn't go deep." The doctor starts off saying. It's true that he has thick skin and if he was at his full capacity he'd be bulletproof. "Now for the other thing, I'm thinking he is having not only serious heart problems, but serious mental problems as well. I was thinking drugs, but tests came back clean, so I have no clue what's the matter. Look, I know you're worried about your boy toy-" The doctors starts but does get to finish.

"He is my best friend, not a boy toy." Scott growls. Stiles turns a deep shade of pinks.

"Whatever you say." Does Stiles really seem like Scott's boy toy? I mean, they do hang around a lot and sometimes fall asleep and wake up cuddling. That's not TOO gay, right? While Stiles is thinking, the door click and in walks Scott and the doctor. The two make eye contact with Stiles, causing them to go white.

"Would someone like to explain why I have a bullet hole in my abdomen, and why I'm handcuffed to the hospital bed?" Stiles queries with a bit of annoyance and a whole lot of pain. Scott smells his torture and runs over to lay him back down. The strange man turns to Scott.

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