Chapter 14

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Malissa's POV

I sit the last plate of food on the table and smile at my work. With me getting a day off from work, I was able to make dinner for Scott and I. He should have been home an hour ago, but I've learned that when supernatural stuff comes into play, he has a tendency to be tardy. On the other side of things, Scott better get here or I'm going to kick his werewolf ass. I have a feeling all of these other times that I've been at work, he's for sure been staying out super late. I can feel it in my mom senses. Speaking of my mom senses, I feel that something is off.

Scott usually texts me if he's going to be late, and he hasn't. It's 6:00 right now, where could he be? I get worried when he doesn't let me know things.

Ding Dong

I drop what I'm doing and rush to the front door to see Argent waiting on the other side through one of the glass panes. Before I could open the door, he opens it and looks at me with a smile on his mug. He has his normal attire and his normal side pistol of choice. Everything is in the norm for Argent. I can give that the Melissa garnet, now if only I could garnet Scott's safety.

"Hello there." Argent says, closing the door behind him. I almost forgot that I invited him to come eat. I didn't think he'd show up. Yeah, him and I have been getting close lately, so that could account for why he would be here. I just didn't expect to see his face.

"Argent, I didn't think you'd show up." I state. He takes off his coat, hangs it up, then glares at me with a raised eyebrow.

"You know me. I try to keep my word." He wraps an arm around my shoulder and plants a kiss on my forehead. Argent then let's go and walks over to the couch to take a seat.

"That's good of you, but Scott isn't here yet, so we are going to wait about thirty minutes before trying to eat." I inform, sitting down next to him.

"Have you tried calling him? Where is he at?" My boyfriend questions. I went to answer but I shut my mouth and suck in my lips instead. That would have been a good idea about thirty minutes ago.

"No..." I pause for a minute. "...I really should though." He nods in agreement.

"Yes, yes you should." He replies with a smart guy attitude. I reach in my pocket and pull out my cell phone. I quickly dial my son's number and hope he answers. Once the number is dialed, I hold it up to my ear and eagerly wait for him to come through. Thankfully, he does.

"Uh, hey mom." Scott says in a panic and short of breath. I look over at Argent and put it on speaker phone for him to hear. He glares at the phone with momentary confusion, but it soon switches to realization.

"Scott, why are you talking like that?" I query.

"Like what?" He asks to try to sound oblivious. Oh, I am so going to kick his wolfy ass.

"Like the way you would talk if you were running for a while and hiding something." Argent says before I could even get a chance. Damn, he's good at what he does. He got all of that from only Scott breathing. I sometimes don't think Argent is human himself.

"Oh hey, Argent sir! What- what are you doing at my hou-" My boyfriend cuts him off.

"Cut the crap and tell me what the hell you are up to." Argent growls, shaking his head ever so slightly. There is a silence before a quiet yet sudden painful groan comes through the line. "Also, what the hell was that?"

"Is someone hurt, Scott?" I quiz, activating my super protective mother mode.

"Uh, you'll find out soon enough. Just wait till I get there. Remember that emergency kit you keep under the sink?" He question. That worries me on a whole new level.

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