Chapter 9

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Gwen's POV

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Gwen's POV

This isn't good. I can't believe we forgot about Kevin's little stunt he pulled back when he was a juvenile. Some ex cons and him caused an explosion at a bank that nearly killed thirty five cops. They were lucky Stiles was there to stop the explosion.

This was around the time Stiles' mom fell ill. He didn't want to lose a mom and a dad, so he followed his dad around everywhere to keep him safe. Grandpa said that was Stiles' prime time as an Anodite due to all the spells he was learning to keep uncle Noah safe. This incident was also the reason Stiles has, and probably still is, being hunted by the government. The Plumbers were able to keep the government for a certain time. They soon started hunting aliens with a brutal secret task force. Our poor cousin has spent years fighting off these guys without the help of the plumbers. He refuses their help.

There is one thing that concerns me though. Why has the task force been slacking on catching alien now? I know there is a universal treaty for Earth to now accept legalized aliens, but I've still been hearing stories of the task force's killings. Maybe there is some rouge members that hate aliens and want to kill them all.

"You itching to fight, Levin?" Stiles growls at my boyfriend. His eyes are glowing pinkish purple, meaning he is ready to throw down. Oh no.

"You bet, Stilinski." Kevin snaps back while forming his hand to a lance like weapon. Guess this isn't the time to think about some task force. I need to keep these two from destroying the area with a fight.

"Stiles, Kevin you two better not destroy my clinic." A stern voice announces from the vet office's main entrance. Everyone stops and turns to see an angry, middle age looking man who seems to be very displeased by all of this. It's strange how he isn't panicked by the sight.

"We aren't destroying anything, Deaton." Stiles huff. Looks like my cousin knows who this is.

"Mhmm. I'm pretty sure that's a 'Not yet'." He remarks. The man crosses his arms and glares at Stiles with beading eyes. You can almost see steam coming off his head. Yikes! That's not healthy. "Now will you two please return to human form and cool yourselves?" He asks of them in a demanding tone.

"You two better not have to make Gwen , Rook, and I put you both time out." Ben tells. He holds one hand over his watch without even looking to see if it's an alien that can whip either of them. That seems to be a new pattern with him lately. I'm sure there has been slip ups with that watch and I'm sure there'll be more. Ben really needs to be more careful.

"The stranger is correct. Fighting will not amount to anything. " Rook informs the two hot heads. Stiles' eyes turn back to a brown color and the green metal fades off of Kevin's skin. They both glare at one another with daggers, but they keep collective. The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife. I just wish Stiles could get over what Kevin did. I know what he did was bad, but let the past stay in the past!

"Pfft, It's not like Kevin could have beat me if he tried." Stiles utters under his breath. Everyone waits for Kevin to comment back, yet it never came. Everyone all around relaxes and sighs with relief. I am so glade Kevin didn't hear that. That would have pissed him off even more as well as insured the fight was going to happen. There is a long silence before Stiles' best friend breaks it.

"Deaton, how are you not freaked by the alien stuff going on?" Scott quires. Good job kid. Way to break the tension.

"Because I watch the news and I know there is alien among us." The doctor sasses back. "Now if you will excuse me, I have to go back to a 'client' in need." Mr. Deaton say before going back inside. The vet looks directly at Stiles and Scott when he said 'client'. That's a little odd if you ask me. Those two know something and I'm going to find out what.

"Man, he sure is in one of his moods. That 'client' must be a real hand full. Scott, since you are his assistant you should go help him while I deal with the E.T Squad." Stiles states. He grabs his friend's shoulder and pushed his towards the clinic.

"But-" Before he could say something Stiles opens up the door and shoves Scott inside. One he's in Stiles slams the door behind him, causing the whole building to shake a little. I'm guessing he has a little bit of strength. I need to look into that. I wounder what I need to learn to have strength like that. I've seen grandma use increased strength. Wounder when I'll able to use that power? I can't believe this.

"I find it slightly offensive you calling us an E.T Squad when you are alien yourself." Rook proclaims with a scowl on his face. Stiles scoffs and walks past all of us and leans up against an invisible object. We all give him a weird glance and he rolls his eyes. What is he leaning on? Once again, I'm jealous, what is that spell? I live in a library full of spells and I have yet to see a spell to make something invisible. Actually, maybe I should take the time to read a good bit of the books before saying that. On the other hand, reading that many books is super hard. He snaps his fingers and crosses his arms as a Jeep comes into view.

"I find it very offensive." Kevin hisses. His fists are balled tightly and his eye seems to be twitching.

"Kevin." I growl at my boyfriend. He glances at me and crosses his arms. He tries to look anywhere except in mine or Stiles' direction. I give a stressful sigh and snap my attention back over to my cousin. "Stiles, if you want us to leave so much we will, but only if you absorb some life energy like grandma said." Stiles groans, however he agrees with a nod. He look completely annoyed with all of us. I just don't care though. I want this mission to be over with.

"Sure, why not." Stiles fake chirps. Why is he suck an ass about this?

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