Chapter 20

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"Holy shit," Scott mutters at his surroundings with awe. Him and I managed to find our way into Undertown and let me tell you, it sure is something. There are so many different kinds of aliens in this place that I can't name them all. How did I not know this exists? This place is amazing! Look at all of these shops that sell so many different foods and nicknacks!

"I know, right?! This is so cool!" I chuckle with sheer happiness. I grab onto Scott's wrist and pull him over to the first booth that catches my eye. With a quick glance, I can see its selling all sorts of meat and goulash. I really hope this stuff is what I'm hoping it is.

"What does it say?" Scott asks, staring up at the sign. The name of it's written in a language I don't understand, but I have a little spell for that. With a simple touch on my friend's shoulder, I am able to chant something that will allow him and I to read all of these foreign languages in ours.

"Jubelum Voicelesso," I state, making our eyes flash pink for a split second. With a second glance, it appears that the sign was exactly what I though. I nearly jump in excitement when seeing what the words read out. Yes, yes, yes! Oh my god, yes!

"Holy shit! It's Glashno!" I chirp, shaking Scott like a rag doll! My werewolf friend pushes me away and shakes his head from dizziness.

"Hold up. What's Glashno?" Scott questions, looking over the food with disgust and interest. To an outside eye, this food would seem disgusting, but I know for a fact it is really, really good!

"The best way I can explain it is by saying its like a bowl of mashed potatoes, but that's not true. It's a bunch of off world veggies mashed together then topped with some spices and your shredded meat of choice. There are various recipes for it, but the best combo is telno, zenet, quiptal, and walkna veggies with the meat of a Zaclogio. That form of the dish is called Arlico and It's the be-," I cut my rant off when I take notice in Scott's smiling yet bewildered mug.

"I'm going to pretend I understood all of the alien shit and let you order," Scott laughs, motioning at the booth. I nod, turning to the tender with a very happy smile. He is a blue octopus looking guy with five eyes and ten tentacles. I internally shiver at the sight of him, but I keep my cool.

"Ah, an Anodite. I haven't seen one of you in person before," The alien cackles, "Alright, what can Old Mekzly get you?" Just as I was about to order, I realize I have no money. My wallet disappeared when I turned into an Anodite. Crap, now I can't get the dish I wanted. Awe man.

"Dang, I was going to get some Arlico, but I forgot I lost my wallet. Sorry to bother you," I sigh, turning away from the stands. Scott  stares at my saddened mug with soft eyes to show empathy. I haven't had that dish since I was little. My mom was the first person to show me what the dish was. After that, her and I would eat it all the time, especially if Grandpa Max made it. He makes some pretty weird dishes, but when he makes Glashno, it's amazing.

"Don't worry, Stiles. I'll buy you some," Scott offers, walking up in front of me to speak with the alien. Scott just learned about aliens, but he seems so calm. "U-uh you know, what he said."

"That'll be fifteen of your Earth dollars," The alien states, making Scott go into his wallet and pull out a twenty to hand to the... man?

"Keep the change," Scott order of the guy, making him light up.

"Why thank you, wolf guy. Let Old Mekzley get that order for you," The alien replies, putting all of the stuff together. Scott shoots me a thumbs up and a grin at his success with talking to aliens. He's doing good. I'm really proud of him not stuttering or freaking out while carrying on a conversation with that... guy? I keep doing that because there are way more than two genders when it comes to aliens. It'd be quite offensive to assume.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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