John Egbert (main canon)

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so as you can probably tell this is my Main Canon wow who would have guessed hmm.

so, quick description, this canon is pretty darn close to the comic's canon. if something happened in the comic it probably happened in this canon too. there aren't really as many changes as there are additional bits i would say?

like, in terms of blatant changes, i wasn't as mean to davesprite as in the comic. was i still an asshole? yes. but there was more affection there idk.

some other important info!! I was a trans boy and help not straight. no one in my family line was cis Whoops. also none of us were straight if you guys don't know already there are no straight characters in homestuck. i was the shortest it was kind of sad tbh, and jade was super super super tall wtf. jake was also really got darn tall. i was not mentally well, especially after the game when everything caught up with me and i did a lot of things that were not super healthy for a while.

i think i should sort memories by other characters so um:


okay first things first i fucking love rose lalonde she was one of my best friends. also she was a lesbian anyone who implies otherwise can never speak to me again. she liked to diagnose people with no warning like once on earth c she just walked up to me and said "you have anxiety, yes?" and walked away.

she was probably around the middle height wise. really sweet and a little aloof and intimidating sometimes but she really tried not to be.

i had trouble hanging out with her or even just talking to her early on when we were on earth c, because all i could think about was her dying? that stuck with me for a while tbh.

her and kanaya's wedding was Wild? trickster mode was like, really weird and i can't describe it but i legitimately wanted to crawl into a hole and die after i didn't leave my house for weeks which was abnormal at the time.


let's get one thing straight i fucking loved dave i was in love with dave strider i love dave strider i love him so much what a good man???? good man????? the absolute best i loved dave strider so much i would die for him i could write essays about how much i love dave strider i would write poetry about dave strider i love him so much he's so good??

either way though dave was really great. he was a dork and tried too hard to act cool and untouchable but he was so different he was bubbly and considerate and fun and kind of childish sometimes but that was all after the game when he had an opportunity to acknowledge how abusive bro was and how harmful his sense of toxic masculinity was.

he and karkat were definitely dating post-retcon (but it was mostly pale?) and on earth c and they were happy and dave was less "lol internalized homophobia" and more "wow i'm fucking bi and i love boys wow" so that was good. i was really jealous and sad though because? dave you cuck i Love You. also karkat i was pretty gay for karkat to what a great troll man? but i was really hung up on dave for years especially when jake finally made me acknowledge how not straight i was. fun fact i was biromantic and had a preference for boys also i was very ace. eventually the three of us dated after i sorted my shit out (years later) it was lovely we were happy.

dave is what the tumblrinas call a soft boy uwu. he was very sweet and considerate and he took a lot of pictures, he was sort of a photographer? he had a blog and he posted his photography all the time it was cute. also, he was pretty involved in archeology and paleontology on earth c, we didn't get to see the full evolutionary cycle on our planet so it was really cool for him to see everything sort of unfolding in earth c's scientific community.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2017 ⏰

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