Practice Makes Musicians Perfect

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This is harder than I thought.

Tomorrow's the school level auditions, today's a holiday, but instead of sleeping in, I'm in a classroom at school, brainstorming ideas, while Yulia, our lead singer, contentedly hums to herself.

Of course, we were all totally taken aback when Rachelle walked in on our first practice session and demanded that Yulia should be in the group. But we were all okay with it when we heard her sing. Talent is really necessary when we want to win. 

Apart from that, S.Charlie is our keyboard player, Martin a guitarist, Ian's on drums, Ashleigh's another guitarist, Kadienne and Hannah are backup singers, and I... I don't know... another backup singer, I guess.

"What are you gonna sing today ?" Cassie says, sitting next to me, and looking into my lyric book.

"Not sure.. I barely have any ideas for the lyrics."

"What if you sing something from a famous singer's album ? Or maybe another band's ?"

I consider the idea for a moment. Then I wonder if there is a song which every body in this room knows. I doubt it.

"Not a bad idea, but what song do we-" I'm interrupted mid-sentence by a loud chorus of 'Drag Me Down' from the boys.

"That's your cue." Cassie says, getting up, and I do the same. "Okay, people ! Gather up and get ready to play 'Drag Me Down' by One Direction."

The boys stop singing and look at us, astonished. 

"Really ?" Ian asks.

"Yes, really." I say.

"But I don't know the song..." Yulia says.

"Oh, how about I be the lead singer on this one !" Ashleigh asks enthusiastically, waving her arm in the air. I raise an eyebrow.

"And since when do you like One Direction ?" I ask.

"Ages." She shrugs.

"Let's just get to practicing." I say, and off we go. The practice session goes well, and after a lot of joking around, we disperse, with Ashleigh warning me to have a good song ready by tomorrow with the tune we'd already decided on (They give me a tune and ask me to write a song. How cruel.)

~The Next Day~

Finally, the day of the audition arrives, and I find myself at school (again), with my friends and bandmates, while music from the band currently playing flows through the room. Did I mention that I'm feeling really anxious, nervous and fidgety ? Or that the band currently playing is really good ?

"Guys ?" I say, for what seems like the twentieth time today. Ever since we've been told to sit in this room, my mind has been concocting all sorts of weird situations about how we could mess up on stage. "What if my knees shake so badly that they give out and I fall and knock over the equipment and the speakers give out that high pitched sound that they make when the mikes fall on the ground, thus ruining our entire performance ?!"

"That won't happen, Lily." Charlotte says in a monotone voice. 

"You're being too nervous." Brittany says. "Calm down ! Honestly, I am surprised you haven't fainted yet !" The statement arouses laughter from a few girls, and I see Kadienne look away and mumble something. Then, I hear something heavy being placed on my right, and turn to see Martin standing behind a chair. Probably put it there himself.

"If you're so afraid of falling, why don't you just sit and sing ?" He says it so casually, it's unnerving.

"No thanks. I can stand." I reply. 

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