Chapter Seven

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The hall had gone quiet as people stood around shocked. The Draco Malfoy had married a muggle? Everyone's face mirrored the same flabbergasted expression. The silence that had fallen on the crowd was dispelled, however, when a weird ringing sound began.

Hermione looked up in confusion. "A cell phone? I thought electronics didn't work at Hogwarts."

Avril Malfoy started laughing nervously as she patted down her dress, looking for her phone. "Draco enchanted mine. Narcissa has this weird obsession with electronics and likes to call me to talk about stuff every day. She also likes to make sure her new phones are working, so yah. Ah ha!" She yelled victoriously as she reached into her dress. Honestly, the cleavage is the best way to go when you don't have any pockets.

"Hello? Narcissa? .... Oh really! ... I think the red case if the phone is black and purple if it's white. Oh... yah, ha ha, we were going to tell you about that... Well I'm sorry Lucius disagrees with me. Flip him off when you see him for me, yah? Oh and tell him that I'll make his pancakes tomorrow... Of course! I can't wait to go on that cruise with you guys! Oh! Draco and I have important news to tell you... You won't be home tomorrow? ... It's okay, we'll come over right now! ... Yes, it's that important... Love yah, bye!"

Ignoring the curious stares she was getting Avril turned to Professor McGonagall.

"Thank you so much for letting me come and for hosting this event. It has been truly memorable, and I hope to see it again someday, but we really need to get going."

            McGonagall nodded. "Thank you for playing a bit for us my dear. I hope you enjoyed it!"

            Avril nodded, smiling, before walking over to her husband. "We need to go Drake. I want to tell your parents about the baby before they leave tomorrow." Nodding, Draco took her hand. "Bye!" They both yelled before leaving with their friends close behind them.

The hall remained silent for a moment longer before the gasps and conversation began again. Draco and Avril Malfoy were having a baby?

My first completed story on wattpad has ended! I know it was short, but hope that you enjoyed it! Check out my other works as well! Thanks for reading!!!!!

he hall remained silent for a moment longer before the gasps and conversation began again. Draco and Avril Malfoy were having a baby?

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