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It's been a few months since the last incident with dark and anti, but mark and jack are ready for anything.

"Hey mark? Where's my hat?"
Jack just recently moved in with mark which was probably the best decision he's made in a while.
"It should be on the dresser."
Mark has to constantly remind jack to eat and drink because he seems to forget a lot, dark keeps telling mark that the reason jack isn't eating is because of high stress levels and maybe anti as something to do with it.
"Oh wow, ok I found it thanks."
Mark was sitting in his studio editing videos he made earlier that day. Jack walks in and pulls his headphones off then kisses marks cheek.
"When are you gonna be done this, I'm bored and I wanna cuddle."
Jack whines, making mark chuckle.
"I'll be done soon baby so just wait."
Jack sighs and nods.
"If you need me I'll be downstairs."
Jack stands and walks downstairs to the living room and turns the tv on.

Mark continued to edit but stops when he gets a headache. He closes his eyes and rubs his temples but stops.

Jack was laying down on the couch then suddenly someone grabs his hair and pulls his head back. He looks up to see dark smirking at him, his eyes pitch black.
"Why hello jackaboy."

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