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Dark teleported down to the sidewalk and whistled, getting the groups attention.
"Hello boys."
Dark smirked at them and they look at him confused.
"Who the hell are you?"
One man asked, dark watched as they moved closer to him. Trying to be discreet about it.
"I'm a friend of the man you raped last night."
Dark heard a few muffled chuckles and whispers.
"Oh that lil' fag. I'm surprised someone like you is his friend."
The man that spoke smirked but was quickly tripped and held down on the sidewalk by dark, who held a gun to his forehead.
"Tell me your side of the story. Now."
Dark raised his voice a bit and glared down at the guy.
The rest of the group was too shocked to move.
"Fuck you! I'm not telling you anything!"
Dark quickly cocked the pistol then pushed the barrel against his head.
"I don't have time for this. Either you tell me or I kill you."
The man tensed and glared at him.
"He was asking for it. He came up to us at the bar and started flirting so I gave 'em what he wanted."
Dark growled and squeezed the trigger a bit more.
"I know that didn't happen, but at least you gave me your side of the story."
Dark finally pulls the trigger then goes about quickly killing everyone else. He gets rid of the gun then quickly teleporting to marks place, looking around for anti.
He heard the music box playing, he followed the sound up to the room and looks in on anti.
Anti was sitting up in the bed and looking out the window.
Anti jumped and turned around, looking at dark then sitting cross legged on the bed.
"So...what happened?"
Dark walked over to the nightstand and shut the music box then sits down on the edge of the bed.
"You don't have to worry about them any more."
Dark smiles softly at anti then hugged him.
"Thanks darky..."

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