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The video up above ^ is a song that anti will be listening to later in this chapter. I also listen to this when I'm freaking out and it calms me down so yeah anyway on with the chapter!

Dark and anti walked down the street, anti stayed close to dark as he looked around.
Dark glanced over at anti every once and awhile to make sure he's doing okay.
"Dark I don't think this is a good idea...there was a lot of guys there-"
"Anti they touched you and you weren't okay with it. I'm going to talk to them."
Anti rolled his eyes.
"I know you're not going to 'talk' to them."
Dark smirked and looked over at him.
"Okay sorry for lying, I might kill them."
Anti sighed but didn't say anything. He's not going to complain, he wanted those men dead anyway.
Dark grabs anti's wrist and pulls him closer to him as he teleports them up into a tree and stands on a tree branch thick enough to hold them both.
"Jesus you could've just asked for me to do th-"
Dark covered anti's mouth and looked down at a group of men walking by.
Anti tensed and watches them, soon moving darks hand away from his mouth.
"Those are the guys.."
Dark nods, not taking his eyes off of them.
"Go home. I don't want them seeing you."
Anti looked at him and shook his head.
"I'm not leaving you here with them."
Dark stands and snaps his fingers, a small wooden box pops up in his hand then he hands it to anti.
"Take this and go home. If you feel like you're going to have a panic attack from being alone just sit down and listen to this okay?"
Dark watched anti, waiting for an answer then he nods.
"I'll be home soon."
Dark pulled anti into a hug before anti teleported back home.
Once home anti walked upstairs, bringing the box with him and putting it on the nightstand beside the bed. He lays down and curls up into a ball and stares at the box for a moment before opening it and closing his eyes, listening to the soft music coming from it.

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